Living On Purpose

As we enter a new year, we can make good use of this landmark in time to reflect on the way we make decisions and choices in our lives. Is there an overarching purpose behind the way we use our time and energy, or are we “going with the flow?” Are we acting on the...

Busy, Busy, Busy is Unhealthy Business

For decades I’ve been ‘that guy’ who answers, “BUSY” when someone asks how I am doing. “BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!” What an outright deflection of the truth! Alice in Wonderland, anyone? The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. –The White Rabbit, Lewis Carrol The lockdowns of...

“African Yoga” – Soundtrack for Relaxation

In 2023, Putumayo celebrates its 30th anniversary. Known for its joyful compilations of international music, featuring album covers illustrated by British artist Nicola Heindl, Putumayo World Music has been considered a pioneer in developing the non-traditional market...

“Love” – A Global Musical Journey

“Love” travels from the shores of Hawai’i to the rooftops of India and beyond. This song features musicians across six continents and is a testament to how both music and technology can unite us all. Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the...

Living Their Yoga: Devātman Daniel Givens

In this interview by Dhāraṇī Diana Díaz, Integral Yoga teacher and sound healer Devātman Daniel Givens shares an overview of his Yoga journey and passions. Your journey is an interesting path. When and how did you discover Yoga? What brought you to Integral Yoga? I...