Yoga Therapy

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“The Centered Heart” – Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science

In The Centered Heart, Susi Amendola, C-IAYT, 500-ERYT, Yoga therapist, stress management expert and senior trainer for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, navigates the intricate relationship between stress management and overall health. She invites readers into...

Yoga to Support Immunity

Melanie Salvatore-August’s new book, Yoga to Support Immunity, is a clear, step-by-step whole-being Yoga at home program to help boost immune function and bring vitality to the mind and spirit. She includes in-depth instructions for specific Yoga poses and teaches you...

How Yoga Empowers Women to Take Control of Their Bladder Health

It’s been proven time and again that Yoga practice can have incredible effects on all aspects of your being. Stretching your physical body and giving space to your heart and mind to let go of the negativity first come to mind, but Yoga goes deeper than that. More than...
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Yoga & My Chronic Pain Journey

Yoga & My Chronic Pain Journey

One year ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a disorder that affects the way my brain/nervous system processes pain. It all started in 2020, while I was finishing my Intermediate Integral Yoga Teacher Training online. Over the course of several months, the pain...

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Yoga as “Lifestyle Medicine”

Yoga as “Lifestyle Medicine”

I first came across the teachings of Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev) in a transcript from a talk he gave in which he said, “We have a natural state of ease and when we lose it we get disease.” I was in medical school at the time, and nobody was really addressing the...

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Integral Yoga Therapy Wellness Weekend

Integral Yoga Therapy Wellness Weekend

Join the inaugural group of Integral Yoga Therapy students who are completing their extensive 800-hour coursework to be certified with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) for a Yoga Therapy Wellness Weekend! Drawing from the roots of classical...

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Books on Yoga for Specialized Applications: 2021

Books on Yoga for Specialized Applications: 2021

As Yoga therapy and Yoga for specialized applications becomes more widely accepted in the United States and western world, more and more books are being published on these subjects.This is just a small sampling of some of the books that have been published in 2021....

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Yoga Therapy Foundations, Tools and Practice

Yoga Therapy Foundations, Tools and Practice

Yoga Therapy: Foundations, Tools and Practice is a new textbook available that provides essential support to schools and universities that offer Yoga therapy training programs. This comprehensive, edited textbook develops robust curricula, enabling them to prepare...

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Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone

Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone

 has a new book: Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone. It is an informative and trailblazing guide for mental health professionals, Yoga therapists and teachers working with trauma utilizing the science of Yoga. In this article, she...

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A Yoga Doctor Looks Back

A Yoga Doctor Looks Back

Several years ago, Sandra Amrita McLanahan, MD (founder of Integral Health Services and pioneer of Yoga therapy) was asked the question: “What did you learn from Swami Satchidananda?” Her reply became this article… It’s very difficult to summarize almost 50 years of...

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Yoga Teachers are Essential Workers

Yoga Teachers are Essential Workers

Yoga teachers and therapists offer vital service to those effected by post-COVID syndrome. Our unique skill set in breath work is an effective and safe complement to western medicine that will improve both physical functioning and well-being

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