"When we walk with faith we're never alone. We trust there's a Higher Power always with us." In this satsang talk, presented by Integral Yoga TV, Swami Karunananda, senior monk and teacher trainer, speaks on the subject of faith. She also shares amazing stories from...
Health Benefits of Pranayama
In this talk hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of New Jersey, Integral Yoga master teacher and senior monastic Swami Karunananda explains the benefits of the practice of pranayama (yogic breathing techniques). She also shares the instructions she received from her...
Swami Karunananda on “Here’s to Your Health” with Joshua Lane
Swami Karunananda, senior monastic disciple of Swami Satchidananda and Integral Yoga master teacher was recently featured on "Here's to Your Health" with Joshua Lane, a popular podcast and radio show. Swami Karunananda addressed the want behind all other wants is...
The Light that Shines Through the Ages
We all need teachers in life; not everything can be learned from a book. According to Hindu tradition, there are four main teachers: Mata, Pita, Guru, Deva: Mother, Father, Guru and God. The mother is the baby’s first guru; she is everything to the baby: unconditional...
Awakening to the Deeper Teachings of Yoga
The Chinese sage, Chuang-Tzu, once had a dream in which he was a butterfly. When he woke up, he didn’t know for sure if before, he had been a man dreaming he was a butterfly, or if now, he was a butterfly dreaming he was a man. Likewise, we are all caught in a dream...
Remembrances of My Guru on His 108th Birth Anniversary
For thirty-two years, I had the great good fortune to sit at the feet of Sri Swami Satchidananda (Gurudev). There were happy times and sad times, countless comings and goings, many ups and downs, but through it all, he remained the same: peaceful, patient, balanced,...
Tender Recollections of My Guru
Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidananda came to the West in 1966. His presence was magnetic. He attracted people from all walks of life, from diverse backgrounds and faiths, with different temperaments, interests and capacities. The unifying factor amidst all the diversity...
Keeping Your Peace in a Changing World
Swami Karunananda, one of Integral Yoga's master teachers, answered questions during a recent Q&A session on the theme of how to keep one's inner compass on the balance point amid so many challenges in our world. Her sage wisdom and practical advice has provided a...
A Spiritual Formula for Meeting Overwhelming Challenges
Most of you will probably recognize the following prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. As you read it, let the words enter your heart. Take a moment to reflect on how you could apply it both outwardly to others and inwardly toward yourself. Prayer of Saint Francis of...
Raja Yoga’s Essential Teaching: The Quest for Happiness
In this 3rd installment of this series on "Raja Yoga Now," Swami Karunananda encourages our readers to explore what they are truly searching for in life. And, to consider how the teachings of Raja Yoga can support one's inner exploration and spiritual journey. What do...
Raja Yoga Now: The Beginning
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali begins with a call that reverberates through the ages: Atha Yoganusasanam: Now the exposition of Yoga is being made. It is an invitation to seekers of truth everywhere, irrespective of place, time or circumstance. It offers a universal...
Raja Yoga Now: The Master’s Touch
It was in September 1970 that I first met my spiritual master. It was a time when many great Gurus were being drawn to the West, attracted by the awakening aspiration of the youth. Several hundred of us had gathered at a rustic site in the mountains of California for...
Spiritual Goals for a New Year
A new year often means making resolutions and setting goals. In this video from an annual New Year's Silent Yoga Retreat at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville (Virginia) several years ago, Swami Karunananda (senior monk and chair of the Integral Yoga Spiritual Life Board)...
Forgiveness: A Radical Strategy for Healing
In this video, Swami Karunananda (senior monk and chair of Integral Yoga's Spiritual Life Board) gives a Thanksgiving talk that stresses the healing power of forgiveness, which is an oft-overlooked aspect of gratitude. Through Yoga teachings, stories and parables, she...
Integral Yoga: Looking Back, Going Forward
In October 2020, Swami Karunananda gave the following talk—during the San Francisco Integral Yoga Institute’s 50th anniversary celebration—on the future of the Integral Yoga teachings and organization. A reporter once asked me to describe Swami Satchidananda’s legacy,...
California Gold: The 50th Anniversary of the San Francisco Integral Yoga Institute
The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco Integral Yoga Institute (IYI). It is also a time to remember and honor all the IYIs that were founded and flourished in California in those early days, and all the pioneers, devotees and students that made...