The Path to Spiritual Awakening

The Cosmic Guru is the only Guru. All the rest is just comic. The real Guru is everywhere. Within, without. The Guru is above all the qualities, at the same time you see every kind of quality there. Sometimes the Guru is all sattvic, sometimes very rajasic, sometimes...

Go Within

In this episode of the Integral Yoga Podcast, host Avi Gordon (director of the Integral Yoga Teachers Association) discusses with Amma Kidd the significance of collective prayer, the transformative influence of a Guru, surrendering to God’s will, and the...

The Way of Recognition

Understanding Enlightenment and Awakening For many, the terms enlightenment and awakening evoke the promise of extraordinary experiences. Referring to a concept that has intrigued and captivated truth seekers throughout history, these terms are often associated with...

Jnana Yoga’s Fourfold Sadhana

The Fourfold Sadhana of Jnana Yoga consists of viveka, vairagya, shadshampat or sixfold virtues and mumukshutva or strong yearning for liberation. Viveka dawns in one who, through the grace of God, has done virtuous actions in their previous births as offerings unto...

Learning to Work Through Challenges: Tapas (Self-Discipline)

“God knows your breaking point. You simply don’t know your own strength.” –Swami Satchidananda How many times have you been a safe container for those you care about?  What did it look like? What did it feel like? Challenging oneself to be...

No Separate Little You

In this inspiring contemplation, renowned Yoga teacher Erich Schiffman offers an embodiment practice. He gently guides us toward the recognition that we only exist because “The All, The One, the only Mind, Consciousness or Presence in existence anywhere is what...