Pure Divinity

Pure Divinity

The goal of Yoga is to realize the Divinity within. This can be explained in different ways. A devotee will say, “I want to know God. I want to commune with God.” The jnani will say, “Tat Tvam Asi. I am That. I want to know this Truth—this Self or Cosmic...

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The Light that Shines Through the Ages

The Light that Shines Through the Ages

We all need teachers in life; not everything can be learned from a book. According to Hindu tradition, there are four main teachers: Mata, Pita, Guru, Deva: Mother, Father, Guru and God. The mother is the baby’s first guru; she is everything to the baby: unconditional...

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Who is the Sufferer?

Who is the Sufferer?

I know it sounds hard, but we must remember that when we go through, or see, suffering it is not the Immortal Self that suffers. Who is the sufferer then? It is the mind that goes through all the changes—the little ego, guided by vasanas, wrong thinking, and...

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You are Light!

You are Light!

Let us know that in Truth you are the Divine Image, the image of God. Somehow the veil of the ego prevents you from realizing this. Just remove that veil. It is that veil that is the basis for all these mental dramas. It creates all kinds of problems, troubles,...

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“Where the Rope Ends”

“Where the Rope Ends”

“Where the Rope Ends” is a feature length documentary film about Yoga teacher Nichole Doane’s experience on a fateful day when a rope ended and a long road to recovery that ensued. Here’s some of that story, in Nichole’s own words. I’ve always had endless appreciation...

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A Yogic Approach to Spring Cleaning

A Yogic Approach to Spring Cleaning

In North America, the Spring season will soon be behind us giving way to the Summer Solstice in June. Spring has long been a time of transition, when the dark and barren days of winter give way to light, warmth and new growth. Before summer is upon us, this month’s...

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