10 Years ago: Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace

It was ten years ago, Saturday, June 7, 2014, to be precise that the “Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace Celebrating the Centennial Birth Year of Sri Swami Satchidananda” was held at the magnificent Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New...

The Swami & The Rabbi: Jewish Mysticism Meets Integral Yoga

Hosted by the Integral Yoga Ministry and inspired by the annual “Swami & Rabbi” programs with Swami Satchidananda and Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, now Swami Ramananda, a senior monastic student of Swami Satchidananda, and Rabbi David Igber, a senior student...

Christian Mysticism Meets Integral Yoga

Everyone seeks happiness, but happiness seems never to be stable. Something always happens to disturb our happiness. Religions were born to show a path to happiness that never dies. The mystical aspect of most faiths are particularly focused on this quest. Integral...

The Paradox of the Journey

All major mystical traditions have recognized that there is a paradox at the heart of the journey of return to Origin. Put simply, this is that we are already what we seek, and that what we are looking for on the Path with such an intensity of striving and passion and...

Pure Divinity

The goal of Yoga is to realize the Divinity within. This can be explained in different ways. A devotee will say, “I want to know God. I want to commune with God.” The jnani will say, “Tat Tvam Asi. I am That. I want to know this Truth—this Self or Cosmic...

Contemporary Mysticism: Paths to Spiritual Awakening

  Everyone seeks happiness, but happiness is never stable. Something always happens to disturb our happiness. Religions were born to show a path to happiness that never dies. The mystical aspect of most faiths are particularly drawn to this quest. The Integral...