Spiritual Independence

Spiritual Independence

Independence implies a freedom from being controlled or unduly influenced by an outside source. Spiritual independence suggests the freedom to live in harmony with the spiritual truth at the heart of our being. It implies freedom from depending on any outside source...

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The Fruit of Practice

The Fruit of Practice

A meditation teacher of mine once quoted a Burmese teacher as saying “When everything that can go is gone, what’s left is the truth.” That sentence resonated with me. I heard it maybe 20 years ago and I still reference it and repeat it a lot. And I think that’s...

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The Science of Sound

The Science of Sound

In any Sanskrit mantra, one of the letters will be a sound that is considered a “seed” sound or a bija. The various bijas each have a different effect on our bodies and minds, and even on plant life. Mantra Shastra, is the science of sound. In Yoga, we have the...

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Living a Liberated Life

Living a Liberated Life

To understand a jivanmukta you have to become a jivanmukta. Jivanmukta means one who is alive and liberated. There is still karma but probably not their own karma. They perform actions for the sake of others. That’s also a karma. They are liberated souls, but not...

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BOOK: The Be-Attitudes

BOOK: The Be-Attitudes

New from Integral Yoga Publications: The Be-Attitudes   In this new book, Swami Satchidananda unpacks each of the Beatitudes from the "Sermon on the Mount" from a yogic perspective. With a foreword by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB, this new addition to the "Peter Max...

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The Art of Yoga

The Art of Yoga

God created this world with the good intention of making all living beings lead a happy and peaceful life. All living beings seem to have the same intention. We don’t see any living being who doesn’t want to be happy. People work hard to have a long life of good...

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The Mind is the Mirror of the Self

The Mind is the Mirror of the Self

Have you ever seen your own face? No. What you see in a mirror is not your face. It’s a reflection. If, to your great surprise, your face looks horrible and distorted in the mirror, do you jump up and run to the hospital? No, you get another mirror. You know that the...

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Life as Art

Life as Art

What do you want to create? If your goal is to be useful to humanity, then it’s a creative goal. In fact, simply by thinking, we’re always creating something. But, our creation, our goal, should be useful to people. With that type of goal, you can do anything you...

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