Spiritual Longing

To learn from a spiritual teacher, more than anything else, you need faith in God: “God, I really want to experience the Truth. Put me in good hands. Present a good teacher to me.“ Then, when you meet them, feel—not through the head, but through the heart. And if you...

The Unchanging Amid the Changing

It seems like any birthday that ushers us into a new decade​ brings with it a whole spectrum of feelings, and that is what happened for me recently. Turning 70 gave rise to that culturally influenced feeling​, “OMG​! I’m getting old.” But I’m grateful that I also...

Raja Yoga’s Essential Teaching: The Quest for Happiness

In this 3rd installment of this series on “Raja Yoga Now,” Swami Karunananda encourages our readers to explore what they are truly searching for in life. And, to consider how the teachings of Raja Yoga can support one’s inner exploration and...

Sustaining a Spiritual Vision

For most of us, this effort requires patience, persistence, and some means to renew this commitment. The obstacles are many: the countless stressors of daily life, the subconscious beliefs and habitual thinking that compel us to defend the ego-identity we’ve formed,...

Let’s Talk About Yoga & Sexuality

How do we integrate Sri Patanjali’s teachings about sex/celibacy/continence in today’s world? What does brahmacharya really mean? Swami Asokananda and Rev. Prem (the two yogis of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast) consider various aspects of this yama...