Spiritual Longing

Spiritual Longing

To learn from a spiritual teacher, more than anything else, you need faith in God: “God, I really want to experience the Truth. Put me in good hands. Present a good teacher to me.“ Then, when you meet them, feel—not through the head, but through the heart. And if you...

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The Unchanging Amid the Changing

The Unchanging Amid the Changing

It seems like any birthday that ushers us into a new decade​ brings with it a whole spectrum of feelings, and that is what happened for me recently. Turning 70 gave rise to that culturally influenced feeling​, “OMG​! I’m getting old.” But I’m grateful that I also...

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Obstacles ARE the Path

Obstacles ARE the Path

In Episode 12 of the "Two Old Fogey Yogis" podcast, our two yogis discuss the 5 kleshas (obstacles presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). In a deep and encouraging way, they share how we can work with these and other challenges more skillfully, that transforming...

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Finding Your Path

Finding Your Path

What drew you to your spiritual path? Does modern Yoga throw out the “baby with the bathwater” when it goes post-lineage? In Ep 10 of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast, our hosts explore the relevance of a traditional spiritual path in today’s world and what drew each...

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Mahasamadhi: Faith and Transition

Mahasamadhi: Faith and Transition

Swami Karunananda (senior Integral Yoga monk and master teacher) writes about the Guru-disciple relationship and shares some of the inspiring experiences she had with her Guru, Sri Swami Satchidananda. This talk was recently given on the 18th anniversary of the...

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Me and the Clouds: Meeting My Teacher

Me and the Clouds: Meeting My Teacher

In the summer of 1969, I lay in a field in Franconia, New Hampshire as I looked up at the soft clouds in the sky, with a deep awareness that I felt a separation between myself and the clouds. The feeling was very real and must have reflected my deep yearning for...

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Facing Tests

Facing Tests

There are continuous, constant tests on a spiritual path. A person who wants to get a degree is given tests. Those who are not interested in learning, do not need to be tested. Teachers will not even want to give a test to a person who doesn’t want to learn. And, the...

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