Diet for Transcendence

Diet for Transcendence

…All-merciful). God is not called the “semi-compassionate.” God is not compassionate only to humans, but All Compassionate. Let us think about the implications. IYM: Thich Naht Hahn is vegetarian, but…

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Yoga is Union

Yoga is Union

…the English term, “communion.” It refers to the state of union or communion with God, one’s true Self, or Higher Power. Yoga also refers to the philosophy and practices that…

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Facing Tests

Facing Tests

…with you. Name will come, fame will come, beauty will come, if you have peace. So be peaceful. Peace is our goal. A peaceful person has everything. A peace-less person…

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Listening to the Sound Within

Listening to the Sound Within

…it doesn’t come, that’s also good. Simply be a witness to that. Have a witness attitude, sakshi twam. Sound may come, sight may come, darkness may come, brilliant suns may…

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Yoga Nidra, Sankalpa & Hypnosis

Yoga Nidra, Sankalpa & Hypnosis

Yoga Nidra is a highly powerful ancient meditation technique originated from the Tantras. It is the scientific way to eliminate the root cause of all the negativities. Yoga Nidra comprises…

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Vegetarianism and the Yoga Sutras

Vegetarianism and the Yoga Sutras

…yogi, realizing this, tries to cause the least amount of harm and suffering to others possible. Compassion is an essential ingredient of ahimsa. Through compassion, you begin to see yourself…

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