Integral Yoga Meditation Teacher Training: July 2024

Meditation Teacher Training with Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500 and Integral Yoga Senior Staff will be held July 22 – August 4, 2024 at Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville. Our whole life experience is based on the condition of the mind, how we perceive and respond to...

Raja Yoga Teacher Training – June 2024 Online

Hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco, Swami Ramananda, Swami Divyananda, Kealoha DeLuz, and guest teacher Swami Vidyananda will teach the Integral Yoga® 300-hour Raja Yoga Teacher Training program. The program will be online and run in two parts from...

200-Hour Teacher Training, Module 1: Yoga Immersion Program

Jacinta Jayadevi Hollon and Stephanie Śrī Weyman will lead this hybrid program beginning July 8. 2024, hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of New York. Whether you are interested in becoming a certified Integral Yoga teacher or you would like to do a deep dive into...

Yoga Immersion: Online Starting April 23, 2024

The Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco will host a Yoga Immersion Program online in several modules from April 23 through June 23, 2024 led by Swami Ramananda, C-IAYT, E-RYT-500, Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500 & Mia Velez, E-RYT 500. This comprehensive...