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Bhakti Yoga Flowing!

The 2024 Memorial Day weekend at Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville was an immersion in Bhakti Yoga, inspiration, and transformation. Kirtan legend Krishna Das shared four days of music, connection, and storytelling. Participants felt the Divine Presence through song and...

Integral Yoga Publication’s Newest Title: Practicing the Yoga Sutras

Integral Yoga® Publications is pleased to announce the release of our latest book: Practicing the Yoga Sutras: A Personal Study Guide & Journal, a faithful companion to the profound teachings found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Now available on Amazon in...

Raja Yoga Teacher Training – June 2024 Online

Hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco, Swami Ramananda, Swami Divyananda, Kealoha DeLuz, and guest teacher Swami Vidyananda will teach the Integral Yoga® 300-hour Raja Yoga Teacher Training program. The program will be online and run in two parts from...

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FILM: “Wandering . . . But Not Lost”

FILM: “Wandering . . . But Not Lost”

Under cover of darkness and with no word of his plans, much-beloved Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche walked away from his life on the international stage to live that of a wandering yogi. Unheard of among eminent teachers today, such a...

What Became of Buddha’s Wife?

What Became of Buddha’s Wife?

In her new book, Yasodhara and the Buddha, Vanessa R. Sasson combines the spirit of fiction with the beauty of Indian mythology and in-depth academic research. She shares the evocative story of the Buddha from the perspective of a forgotten woman: Yasodhara, the...

Vegan Revolution in China?

Vegan Revolution in China?

The window of a KFC in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou hosts the image of a familiar mound of golden nuggets. But this overflowing bucket sporting Colonel Sanders’ smiling face is slightly different. The bucket is green and the nuggets within it are completely...

BOOK: Being Ram Dass

BOOK: Being Ram Dass

Set against a backdrop of nine decades of sweeping cultural change, Being Ram Dass shares this modern day luminary’s journey from psychologist to renegade Harvard psychedelics researcher to beloved spiritual icon. Perhaps no other teacher has sparked the fires of as...

Announcing The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in Dutch!

Announcing The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in Dutch!

Integral Yoga International and Integral Yoga Publications are pleased to announce the publication in Dutch of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda. The Dutch translation was rendered by Ramakrishna de Meester (Integral Yoga Belgium) with the support of...

The Golden Present App is Back & Updated for iPhone/iPad!

The Golden Present App is Back & Updated for iPhone/iPad!

Swami Satchidananda's book, The Golden Present, is a much beloved daily reading text that has also been made into an app for mobile devices. The newly updated app for iPhone/iPad and the Android version are now available for free through the generosity of Sri K....

DOCUMENTARY: “Sunseed, The Journey”

DOCUMENTARY: “Sunseed, The Journey”

The 1960s and 1970s were times of great social and political upheaval. Many teachers and Gurus from the East were called to the West to present their approaches to theology and share their traditions of meditation, Yoga, and spiritual understanding. What resulted was...

BOOK: Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care

BOOK: Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care

Integral Yoga's Swami Sarvaananda (the first Hindu chaplain in America: see article) was asked to contribute a chapter to Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care—a new book on spiritual care. The book illustrates how spiritual care is practiced in a variety of different...