Sara Novak's article on Discover magazine's website was clearly written pre-pandemic. It turns out she (a writer for Discover, Discovery Health, Popular Science, among others) was writing about a visit to Satchidananda Ashram, what drew her there, and about the field...
A Swami’s Ode to Joy
Swami Hamsananda shares this "Ode to Joy." Joy, humor and childlike wonder characterize one of Integral Yoga's most senior and beloved swamis! Ode to This Glorious Day! I am filled with so much happiness right now that I am writing this to pass it on. I love to pieces...
Integral Yoga Virtual Studio
The Integral Yoga Virtual Studio is an online platform offering live Integral Yoga classes and events from around the world, every day. This short video offers a brief introduction to this wonderful platform developed by the Integral Yoga Teachers Association (IYTA)....
Remembering Sundaram Gross (1948–2021)
On the afternoon of Saturday June 5, 2021, Sundaram Gross, Integral Yogi and our beloved spiritual brother, passed away. Yogaville sangha members, who were at his bedside, had just read him the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita where Sri Krishna says to Arjuna:...
In Remembrance of Mitra Crane
Mitra Crane, a longtime Integral Yogi and Teacher Training staff member, passed away in April 2021 after a serious fall a short time prior. He was 80 years old. Some of you might not have had an opportunity to meet him or his wonderful wife and soulmate, Ambha. If you...
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville Spring 2021 Update
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, headquarters for Integral Yoga International, has been closed to the public since the beginning of the global pandemic. The Ashram is host to thousands of guests per year, who come to this peaceful abode in the beautiful countryside of...
A Spiritual Love Story
Like thousands before me, I fell for her on first encounter. Dressed in the orange clothing of an Integral Yoga sannyasin (monk), she was also wrapped in a palpable aura of no-nonsense compassion and something else I would soon identify: humor. She walked to where I...
How a Catbird Taught Me to Meditate
Meditation practice at Yogaville was life-changing. But here’s the story of what happened when I took the meditation back home and practiced on my own. Luckily for me, I had a great combination of Integral Yoga and a catbird to help me go deeper!
Healing from the Pain that Binds
Born and raised in West Africa, Oyámie Kali Ma’at spent most of her childhood in community gatherings of musicians, drummers, and dancers. Listening and dancing to music became a foundation for her life. In addition to living and serving in Yogaville, Oyámie is also a...
Treat Yourself to a New Year’s Yoga Immersion Retreat
Join Integral Yoga International for the online New Year’s Immersion Retreat hosted by Yogaville Online. Treat yourself to a special time of the year to reflect deeply, gather your strength, renew your inspiration, reconnect with your spirit, and restore yourself in...
What is Integral Yoga?
Did you ever wonder what "Integral Yoga" means? In this video, Mataji (a long-time disciple of Swami Satchidananda) describes how the path of Integral Yoga progressively brings the body, heart, mind, and spirit into harmony and peace. Swami Gurucharanananda, lovingly...
A Sculptural Tribute to 9/11
Alan Asangan Binstock, longtime Integral Yogi and retired NASA architect, is also known as the "sculptor of light." His sculptures adorn museums and major buildings around the country. He and his wife Karuna live in a home in Yogaville designed by Asangan. After 9/11,...
H. H. Sri Swami Sivananda: Restoration of a Spiritual Masterpiece
September 8, 2020 was the 133rd Jayanthi (Birth Anniversary) of H. H. Sri Swami Sivananda Maharaj (the Guru of Sri Swami Satchidananda). This auspicious occasion included a special puja in the reception area of Sivananda Hall at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, offered...
Integral Yoga Virtual Studio Announces Sliding Scale/Class Packages
The Integral Yoga Virtual Studio (IYVS), sponsored by the Integral Yoga Teachers Association, has been able to offer donation-based Hatha classes over the past few months as a way of providing support to the community during this challenging time. Now, in order to...
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville Extends Temporary Closure to 2021
Rev. Siva Moore, Executive Director of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, announced on August 18, 2020, that a decision had been made by the administration to continue the temporary closure of the Ashram until 2021. Meanwhile, the Ashram will continue to focus its...
BOOK: Temple Dancer
Before Amy Weintraub published her first novel, Temple Dancer, she was known as the bestselling author of Yoga for Depression. Readers may be surprised to find out that prior to becoming a Yoga therapist, she was a fiction writer for many years, suffering from...