Staying Centered in a Sea of Change

Staying Centered in a Sea of Change

As March 2022 begins, it feels like our world is in a state of upheaval. The seasons are changing and many places in the world are lifting COVID restrictions, trying to transition back to a more “normal” way of life. But the seasons and the pandemic are overshadowed...

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The Embrace of Gratitude

The Embrace of Gratitude

Imagine waking up in the morning with a palpable sense gratitude for being alive and having another opportunity to engage in life. Imagine what it would be like to approach your whole life with gratefulness as the foundation from which you encountered each moment....

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Our Responsibility to a World in Crisis

Our Responsibility to a World in Crisis

It is time. It is past time. We are witnessing a myriad of overlapping world crises manifesting in destructive ways. We all, every one of us, need to take some form of action now. Our world is calling us to shift in a way we have never had to in our history. Change...

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Ego’s True Purpose

Ego’s True Purpose

Swami Ramananda, Integral Yoga's resident swami poet shares this inspiring poem on the ego's true purpose. dear little ego are you not tired of this treasure hunt, no gold at the end of the rainbow and no end your story is a dark cloud it blocks the light but has no...

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Keeping our Eyes on the Sacred

Keeping our Eyes on the Sacred

Human beings are by nature attuned to the threats around them as a primary means of survival. For the past year, threats to our safety have abounded in numerous forms: the Coronavirus, racial injustice, the climate emergency, political violence and senseless killings....

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Ahimsa as a Way of Life

Ahimsa as a Way of Life

Ahimsa is one of the most fundamental principles from the original scriptures of Yoga and serves as a foundation for the practice of Yoga, on and off the mat. This practice is especially important now since our world desperately needs a grassroots movement to end...

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Shining a Light in the Darkness

Shining a Light in the Darkness

The recent political drama, on top of the continued devastation wreaked by the COVID virus, has many of us holding our breath in a state of hypervigilance or steeling ourselves against the next assault on our values. While it is important to be aware of the events...

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Co-Creating a Wave of Change in 2021

Co-Creating a Wave of Change in 2021

The calendar year has ended and people all over the world are ready for a fresh start. All of us in the Northern Hemisphere are now seeing the return of light to our days, which is an ideal time to recommit ourselves to awakening the inner spiritual Light. In...

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