Spiritual Independence

Spiritual Independence

Independence implies a freedom from being controlled or unduly influenced by an outside source. Spiritual independence suggests the freedom to live in harmony with the spiritual truth at the heart of our being. It implies freedom from depending on any outside source...

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The Science of Sound

The Science of Sound

In any Sanskrit mantra, one of the letters will be a sound that is considered a “seed” sound or a bija. The various bijas each have a different effect on our bodies and minds, and even on plant life. Mantra Shastra, is the science of sound. In Yoga, we have the...

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​Compassionate Communication

​Compassionate Communication

If we pay attention to the world news, I think we can agree that our world is in dire need of more mindfulness, justice, and compassion. ​On an individual level, a deeply- entrenched sense of separation—​and the resulting insecurity—has given rise to so much mistrust...

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Staying Centered in a Sea of Change

Staying Centered in a Sea of Change

As March 2022 begins, it feels like our world is in a state of upheaval. The seasons are changing and many places in the world are lifting COVID restrictions, trying to transition back to a more “normal” way of life. But the seasons and the pandemic are overshadowed...

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When Yoga Meets Zen Meditation

When Yoga Meets Zen Meditation

Many of us come to meditation for the first time to still our mind. We recognize that the source of suffering has something to do with the way our minds work (or don’t work) and we believe that by sitting still and taming our mind we will become calm and peaceful. One...

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The Full Potential of Your Mind

The Full Potential of Your Mind

We seem to do many things each day that create our problems. But, we can undo everything in a meditation practice. You just sit. You don’t need to do anything but = be aware of yourself. In meditation you are the witness that sits  behind the body and mind. When you...

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Integral Yoga Virtual Studio

Integral Yoga Virtual Studio

The Integral Yoga Virtual Studio is an online platform offering live Integral Yoga classes and events from around the world, every day. This short video offers a brief introduction to this wonderful platform developed by the Integral Yoga Teachers Association (IYTA)....

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