Recognizing a Satguru

Recognizing a Satguru

To know a Satguru you should know how a Satguru would be. That’s what Arjuna asked of Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita: “How am I to know a person of steady wisdom (sthitaprajna)?” Arjuna then asked Sri Krishna to describe how such a person would walk, how they would...

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Living a Liberated Life

Living a Liberated Life

To understand a jivanmukta you have to become a jivanmukta. Jivanmukta means one who is alive and liberated. There is still karma but probably not their own karma. They perform actions for the sake of others. That’s also a karma. They are liberated souls, but not...

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Guidance from a Higher Level

Guidance from a Higher Level

Mahasamadhi (a realized saint’s conscious final exit from the physical body) and thus prepared his disciples brilliantly well in advance. He left the physical body in August 2002 in South India. Here are some of his words in relation to Mahasamadhi—his own and other...

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The Journey to Your True Calling

The Journey to Your True Calling

Stephen Cope changed my life. He might change yours, too. Need inspiration today? You got it. Put away your yellow highlighter when you read a Stephen Cope book. You’ll find yourself marking almost every sentence. The whole book will be yellow. Fifteen years ago, I...

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Resting in the Authentic Self

Resting in the Authentic Self

In this interview, renowned Yoga teacher Rod Stryker explores the four motivating forces in life and how a steady spiritual practice can bring those to fruition in a way that helps us live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Stryker believes that the aim of practice...

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Escapism is Not Spirituality

Escapism is Not Spirituality

Is it possible to live without war? We can’t really live without fighting. What do you do when you eat? Are you not at war with your food? You chew everything and then when it goes down in your digestive system and gets churned up and digested there is another kind of...

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How Meditation Helps

How Meditation Helps

People used to think that Yoga only meant standing on the head and doing some breathing techniques. But a very important practice is meditation—working directly with the mind. After all, the body is only a concrete expression of the mind. If you change the mind, you...

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Is Yoga Really Universal?

Is Yoga Really Universal?

An ongoing debate concerns the subject of the relationship between Hinduism and Yoga. One side argues that westerners have appropriated Yoga and tried to divorce it from its Hindu roots. The other side argues that Yoga predates Hinduism and cannot be contained under...

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