Bhagavad Gita

Recognizing a Satguru

Recognizing a Satguru

To know a Satguru you should know how a Satguru would be. That’s what Arjuna asked of Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita: “How am I to know a person of steady wisdom (sthitaprajna)?” Arjuna then asked Sri Krishna to describe how such a person would walk, how they would...

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Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action

Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action

The Himalayas are indeed a crown and spread their victory flag in the sky. The Indian Ocean, in the south, acts as though it washes the feet of the emperor. In between, a thriving sun of culture has been shining for thousands of years over the waves of the Ganga and...

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The Secret of Karma Revealed

The Secret of Karma Revealed

As long as you feel that you are doing something, then you are responsible. But when you don’t feel that you are doing anything, and you feel that you have completely surrendered into the hands of a Higher Power that does everything, where is the karma for you? When...

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When Yoga Meets Zen Meditation

When Yoga Meets Zen Meditation

Many of us come to meditation for the first time to still our mind. We recognize that the source of suffering has something to do with the way our minds work (or don’t work) and we believe that by sitting still and taming our mind we will become calm and peaceful. One...

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The Last Satsang

The Last Satsang

On August 12, 2002, Sri Swami Satchidananda gave satsang at the Integral Yoga Institute of Coimbatore during which he answered questions. This excerpt is part of the last recorded satsang of Sri Swamiji and follows his participation as a keynote speaker at the World...

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The Living Gita Now on Audible

The Living Gita Now on Audible

Integral Yoga Publications is pleased to announce the release of The Living Gita by Swami Satchidananda on Audible (read by Sri Piyush Agarwal). Listening to the Gita come alive is a whole new experience! The Bhagavad Gita tells the story of how Arjuna, the great...

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The Heart of the Gita

The Heart of the Gita

In Episode 14 of the "Two Old Fogey Yogis" podcast, our two yogis discuss the study of foundational texts in the Yoga tradition and how to work with these in a way that engages them as “literary incarnations” filled with living wisdom. They also explore what the...

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The Journey to Your True Calling

The Journey to Your True Calling

Stephen Cope changed my life. He might change yours, too. Need inspiration today? You got it. Put away your yellow highlighter when you read a Stephen Cope book. You’ll find yourself marking almost every sentence. The whole book will be yellow. Fifteen years ago, I...

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Resting in the Authentic Self

Resting in the Authentic Self

In this interview, renowned Yoga teacher Rod Stryker explores the four motivating forces in life and how a steady spiritual practice can bring those to fruition in a way that helps us live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Stryker believes that the aim of practice...

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