Healing Unhealthy Habits as a Spiritual Practice

Healing from addiction or any other unhealthy habit is a spiritual practice. It’s impossible simply to say, “Oh, I don’t want to indulge in this or I have to get rid of that.” We cannot. The more we try to push it away and get rid of it, the more we wind up...

Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 3: Roots of Devotion

Devotion and worship were part and parcel of Ramu’s (Swami Satchidananda’s birthname was Ramaswamy, Ramu for short) upbringing and shaped him, his daily life and worldview. His parents were extremely devout and raised Ramu to participate fully in traditional spiritual...

No Separate Little You

In this inspiring contemplation, renowned Yoga teacher Erich Schiffman offers an embodiment practice. He gently guides us toward the recognition that we only exist because “The All, The One, the only Mind, Consciousness or Presence in existence anywhere is what...

Reflections on Prayer

It takes a long time to learn how to pray just for the sake of praying and not for anything else, not for our own selfish desires. The reason that we obtain little satisfaction from our prayers is that they are not really sincere attempts to touch God. When we begin...