How to Practice Loving-Kindness

Loving-kindness is probably known to many as the Buddhist practice of metta, The formal practice of metta begins beautifully, by directing kindness toward ourselves or to someone to whom we can easily feel goodwill. Once we take a moment to actually feel that energy...

Using the Yoga Sutras in Daily Life

We all get those physical signs of stress and anxiety. We might feel tired or have random aches and pains and can’t pinpoint the source. We stretch, we breathe, and we feel rejuvenated right afterwards. But after a few days the same aches and pains are back, and...

The Yoga of Gardening

I dropped the corn seeds in the furrow and wondered if they would grow. In the dark earth they glowed like citrine quartz; it seemed improbable that in two months the tiny dry seeds would grow into plants that would stand above my head. Many gardeners told me growing...

Frozen Meltdown: Showing Up On the Path of Yoga

Huddled inside my heaviest winter coat at the edge of a pond, I watched as my coffee steam merged with misty clouds of my breath. At dawn the cranberry bog in coastal Massachusetts was an expanse of frozen sand and wiry tangles of russet vines; old snow scudded across...

Here’s a Secret: You Already Know How to Meditate

When people think about meditation, often an image of a blissed-out figure sitting cross-legged on a soft pillow comes to mind… Ahh, total peace, quiet, and comfort. Wouldn’t that be nice! While meditating in a quiet place without distraction is an amazing...

5 Yogic Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions

2024 is now underway and as we transition out of the festivities returning to our daily routines again, many of us may have found ourselves pondering the year ahead. This often includes setting New Year’s resolutions. We may have even already boarded that bus of...