Dr. Steffany Moonaz, PhD, C-IAYT, is the founder of Yoga for Arthritis and the author of Yoga Therapy for Arthritis. She is a faculty member of the Integral Yoga Therapy Certification program (IAYT-certified), which offers a special path to a career in Yoga Therapy....
How An 81-Year-Old Got Her Groove Back
I met Yoga therapist, Dr. Lakshmi Sutter (program director of the Integral Yoga Therapy program) by chance in September of 2015. I had been unable to participate in Yoga classes for more than a year. Total knee replacement and surgeries for hammertoes and pelvic floor...
Brain Science and Yoga
Dr. M. Mala Cunningham shares, in this video, some powerful ways in which Yoga and meditation can be understood through the lens of neuroscience. She provides clarity and insight in navigating the yogic path through understanding psychology, mindfulness, meditation,...
Yoga Understands the Brilliant Function of Pain
Yoga understands the brilliant function of pain. One difference between Yoga and Western medicine is the perspective on pain and suffering. In the hospital, pain is the adversary, and the treatments are there to “kill” it. They often prescribe “pain killers”...
Moving Toward Expansion, Integration and Freedom
Much has changed in the United States—and the world—since Integral Yoga started to put together its Yoga Therapy certification program. Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville (Integral Yoga’s headquarters) is located close to Charlottesville, Virginia, where in 2018, “Unite...
The Early Years of Adaptive Yoga with Swami Satchidananda
In the early 1990s, in an effort to meet anyone who wished to practice exactly where they are, Swami Satchidananda brought together two of his monastic students to serve those who could not access the traditional Integral Yoga class. Swami Suddhananda (a Yoga teacher...
A Perfect Time for Yoga Therapy Certification
In this interview, Becca Pulliam talks with Nancy O’Brien, ment Therapeutic Applications of Integral Yoga Teacher Training (a partnership with Integral Yoga in San Francisco and Yogaville Virginia, and Integral Yoga New York) about updates in the 800-hour Integral...
Yoga for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He has pioneered the use of Yoga as a therapy that is helping these individuals to work through their PTSD and regain a sense of mastery. In this...
Global Yoga Therapy Day: Aug. 13 – 14
The Yoga Therapy: Beyond the Studio summit is a free event hosted by the Global Yoga Therapy Day. The summit was created to educate the public, healthcare and Yoga communities about the profound work of Yoga therapists around the world. The summit features two...
Enlightened Health in the Time of COVID-19
"The enlightened person does whatever is appropriate," explains Dr. Amrita, in the latest Integral Yoga Podcast. Avi Gordon (Integral Yoga Teachers Association director) discusses enlightened action and a number of wellness topics with Dr. Amrita— founder of America's...
Elevating Your Vibration: Pranayama & Other Practices to Support the Immune System
In this Integral Yoga podcast, Avi Gordon (Integral Yoga Teachers Association director) speaks with Margabandhu Martarano, Integral Yoga's longest serving center (Integral Yoga Institute of New Jersey) director. In addition to teaching Yoga, Margabandhu is a Certified...
Yoga Brings Us Back to Our Nature
We all want to become healthy, both mentally and physically, but somehow there are a lot of toxins in our bodies and minds. The more we clean the mind, the more we bring out the true light within. I can compare what happens in the oil industry to what happens within...
The Satchidananda Effect: Post-Woodstock and Beyond
In the more than fifty years since Swami Satchidananda brought peace into the chaos of 450,000 young people at a massive rock concert, his Integral Yoga teachings continue to be shared around the world. Heart surgeons, construction workers, people with HIV/AIDS,...
How Yoga Helps
When Prevention magazine published two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut, the waiting list at IHS grew into a 2-year wait! Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the...
The Clinic Where Love and Medicine Go Hand in Hand
In November 1977, Prevention magazine published the first of two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut. Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the world), it was based on...
Dr. Pranayama to the Rescue!
Over many years, Swami Satchidananda made recommendations for keeping our bodies strong, our minds calm, and our hearts open, which all apply especially in this age of the Coronavirus or what I like to call: the “Karuna”-virus. Karuna is the Sanskrit for “compassion.”...