Anger as a Tool for Change

Anger as a Tool for Change

If you need to correct somebody’s behavior, to get them to stop some negative action, you may have to use anger. By doing that, you are “punishing” their mistakes, but you are not punishing the person. You are not hating them. It’s like the child in a classroom, who...

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How to Analyze Your Anger

How to Analyze Your Anger

When anger arises, the mind becomes deluded. The Bhagavad Gita has two beautiful slokas about this: From brooding on sense objects, attachment to them arises. Out of that attachment, personal desire is born. And from desire, anger appears. Anger confuses the thinking...

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In the World, but Not of the World

In the World, but Not of the World

You can be in the world but do not be of the world. Then, you are free. The mind has to be in the world and that is why we try to have a detached outlook. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve. And, many people misunderstand the idea of detachment. They might...

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Recovering Natural Joy

Recovering Natural Joy

Many of us think of joy as an experience we have when something special happens. We may plan specific activities, such as a vacation, some entertainment or dining out, that we think will bring us joy. This thinking is so prevalent in our culture that we don’t realize...

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What is the One Thing We All Want?

What is the One Thing We All Want?

Some people love to travel. If you ask, “Why do you want to travel?" they may say, “To see a lot of places.” “So if you see a lot of places, what will happen?”  “Well, I’ll be happy.” “If you ask the travel agent, why are you making all those arrangements for them to...

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Overcoming Fear, Anger, and Depression

Overcoming Fear, Anger, and Depression

Fear, anger, and depression are all related. It all starts with fear. You want something and you become afraid of not getting it, or you get it, and you become afraid of losing it. There is a beautiful sequence in the Bhagavad Gita that illustrates this point. First...

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