I sit looking at my Christmas tree, which for the first time since I moved to Yogaville (several decades ago!) was not decorated by the swamis (monks) who live here. It was a strange and sad experience (due to the pandemic) doing it myself, but a sweet, tall angel...
“Sri Guru Gita” : A Musical Experience
In this music video, Sanjay Mahajan (accompanied by Rupali and Saveri) chant selected verses with a backdrop of footage filmed in India and Satchidananda Ashram, along with photos of Satgurus, sages and saints of India. This video is part of the CD/DVD set "Sri Guru...
Raise Yourself to a Divine Level
As human beings, we have beautiful clothes, nice cars, and we are very fond of many things. We think we are so great, but much of what we do is also done by many animals. They eat when they’re hungry and they have nice houses in which to live. Are your houses as nice...
“Sri Guru Gita:” Song of Love
This 8th century CE text describes a conversation between the Lord Siva and his wife, the Goddess Parvati, in which she asks him to teach her about the Guru and liberation. Siva answers her by describing the Guru principle, the proper ways of paying homage to the...
Integrating Yoga into Your Life
In the morning and evening, take some time for your personal physical and mental Yoga practice. This should include a little pranayama, meditation and some asana. The entire thing need not take more than an hour, or an hour and a half. You can always find some time in...
Forgiveness: A Radical Strategy for Healing
In this video, Swami Karunananda (senior monk and chair of Integral Yoga's Spiritual Life Board) gives a Thanksgiving talk that stresses the healing power of forgiveness, which is an oft-overlooked aspect of gratitude. Through Yoga teachings, stories and parables, she...
Go Within
Nothing is going to make you always happy. That’s what the Mother Nature teaches. She says, “You are running after me for happiness; stop running.” Sometimes we hear people saying, “I’ve run and run and run and now I’m tired of running. I’m going to stop.” If that...
Rama Jyoti Vernon (1941 – 2020): American Yoga Pioneer and Luminary
Yoga lost one if it's great Western pioneers with the passing of Rama Jyoti Vernon. If Mataji Indra Devi can be called the first lady of Yoga, Rama Jyoti Vernon was certainly the keeper of the flame of classical Yoga in America. In later years Rama was also known as...
Everything Can Be Karma Yoga
Whatever is due to you will come and nobody can stop that or cheat you. If ever anybody does seem to cheat you, know that it is an aftereffect of what you have done to someone at some time in the past. You must have cheated somebody earlier, so now another person is...
Make Hay While the Sun Shines!
In this recent Integral Yoga Podcast, Avi Gordon (director, Integral Yoga Teachers Association) talks with Ram Wiener about forgiveness, the experience of finding a Guru, and allowing the universe to shape us into someone we like. Ram (vice-president of business at...
Teachings from the Gita: The Real and the Unreal
The entire Bhagavad Gita is a series of questions and answers between Sri Krishna and his disciple, Arjuna. In chapter 13, Arjuna asks for knowledge about prakriti and Purusha. Arjuna asks: “What is knowledge and what is it that is to be known?” In those days, none of...
What Do You Bring to Each Interaction You Have?
Even post-election we are still undergoing turbulent times in a divided nation. When Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev) arrived in New York City in 1966 our country was also going through seismic cultural shifts. I know that, for me, the teachings and practices of...
What is Integral Yoga?
Did you ever wonder what "Integral Yoga" means? In this video, Mataji (a long-time disciple of Swami Satchidananda) describes how the path of Integral Yoga progressively brings the body, heart, mind, and spirit into harmony and peace. Swami Gurucharanananda, lovingly...
Peace is the Real You!
Peace and joy are more or less different aspects of the same thing. If you are peaceful, you are joyful. Peace doesn’t depend on anything, but is totally independent, and it is always there. When you feel that peace, you feel a supreme happiness that also does not...
Selflessness, Unconditional Happiness, and Peace of Mind
A selfless person does not depend on anyone or anything to be happy. Selflessness, unconditional happiness, and peace of mind go hand in hand. Whatever happens, such a person retains their peace. By remaining in that peace, they are in a much better position to react...
“Two Old Fogey Yogis ” Podcast: Hatha Yoga Masterclass—The Pranic Level of Asana
In addition to being a veteran meditator, Swami Asokananda is also a Hatha Yoga master. In episode 8 of the "Two Old Fogey Yogis" podcast, Rev. Prem coaxes out all his secrets on sustaining a lifelong practice, honing his skills as a hatha yogi and a teacher, and his...