The Art of Yoga

The Art of Yoga

God created this world with the good intention of making all living beings lead a happy and peaceful life. All living beings seem to have the same intention. We don’t see any living being who doesn’t want to be happy. People work hard to have a long life of good...

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Do Not Depend on Anything

Do Not Depend on Anything

Happiness is not something that can come from the outside. One of the things we seem to depend upon for our happiness is physical beauty. We don’t want to accept the fact that we will get old and our bodies will change. When we see others getting old we may think to...

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Go Within

Go Within

Nothing is going to make you always happy. That’s what the Mother Nature teaches. She says, “You are running after me for happiness; stop running.” Sometimes we hear people saying, “I’ve run and run and run and now I’m tired of running. I’m going to stop.” If that...

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Recovering Natural Joy

Recovering Natural Joy

Many of us think of joy as an experience we have when something special happens. We may plan specific activities, such as a vacation, some entertainment or dining out, that we think will bring us joy. This thinking is so prevalent in our culture that we don’t realize...

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What is the One Thing We All Want?

What is the One Thing We All Want?

Some people love to travel. If you ask, “Why do you want to travel?" they may say, “To see a lot of places.” “So if you see a lot of places, what will happen?”  “Well, I’ll be happy.” “If you ask the travel agent, why are you making all those arrangements for them to...

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A Practical Guide for Life

A Practical Guide for Life

The teachings of Raja Yoga are a golden key to unlock all health, happiness, peace, and joy. Everyone, everything, in the creation wants to be happy. If you put a plant in the shade, its leaves will turn toward the sun, because the plant wants to be happy. Place a...

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