Freeing Our Voices: Yoga & Writing

Freeing Our Voices: Yoga & Writing

…of connecting with life. All my experiences of going on retreat, of living in spiritual community, have taught me that life—people, relationships, responsibilities—comes with it. Even celibate monastics have relationships…

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Sanskrit: a Sacred Model of Language, Part 3

Sanskrit: a Sacred Model of Language, Part 3

…nirmohatvam nirmohatve niscalitatvam niscalitatvam jiivanmuktih In a state of satsanga, good company, (comes) non-attachment; in non-attachment, a state beyond confusion; in truth beyond confusion, motionlessness; in motionlessness, living freedom. The…

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Cultivating Japa as a Relationship

Cultivating Japa as a Relationship

…The first aspect is vision, and this includes sincerity, commitment, ideals and introspection. The second aspect is daily practice, which calls for the four components of proper alignment that I’ve…

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The Practice of Enlightenment

The Practice of Enlightenment

…on the board of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. He is the author of The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali: a new translation with commentary (Shambhala). For more information:  …

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Creating Conscious Relationships

Creating Conscious Relationships

…business partner, Maureen Walsh. For more information about their books, The Female Power Within, There is No Prince, and How to be Cherished and their work, please visit:  …

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Integral Yoga as Therapy

Integral Yoga as Therapy

comfort her would send someone to comfort the Americans wounded and dying in Muslim countries in a way that made them feel less isolated and far from home. I was…

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