Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 6: The Cosmic Dancer

When asked to reflect upon his life, Swami Satchidananda once said, “It’s hard to summarize a long life in a few words. But I can just say I am fortunate, in a way, to be born in a family of pious parents. They were my first Gurus. They instilled faith in God in...

The Secret of Spiritual Practice

The secret of spiritual practice is not what you do but how you do—that is more important. Sometimes a newcomer who gets into spiritual practice will make a big list of resolutions, “I will practice half an hour every day in the morning, pranayama, three malas every...

Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 5: Guided by the Thirukkural

As a young boy, Ramu (Swami Satchidananda’s birthname was Ramaswamy, Ramu for short) was deeply immersed in Tamil culture and spirituality. One of the most significant influences in his life was the Thirukkural, a revered Tamil text written by the celebrated poet and...

10 Years ago: Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace

It was ten years ago, Saturday, June 7, 2014, to be precise that the “Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace Celebrating the Centennial Birth Year of Sri Swami Satchidananda” was held at the magnificent Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New...

“The Last Ecstatic Days”

Ethan Sisser, a young man with terminal brain cancer started livestreaming his death journey. Thousands joined to celebrate his courage. Honoring Ethan’s wish, his doctor Aditi Sethi transported him to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. What...