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Ahimsa As a Gift

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that translates as “without injury” or “nonviolence” in English. It’s a principle in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist philosophy that involves causing the least amount of harm possible to all beings. It’s the first ethical principle given as a...

Life’s Pendulum: Balance Amid Change

When you watch the thoughts passing through your mind by being the witness rather than getting caught up in them, is this the same as what is meant by the expression, “Offering it up to God?” Yes, you can look at it in this way. One approach is what we can call the...

Walking with Faith

"When we walk with faith we're never alone. We trust there's a Higher Power always with us." In this satsang talk, presented by Integral Yoga TV, Swami Karunananda, senior monk and teacher trainer, speaks on the subject of faith. She also shares amazing stories from...

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Yogic End-of-Life

Yogic End-of-Life

The Integral Yoga End-of-Life Project and its website offers a free resource filled with profound guidance inspired by the teachings of Integral Yoga. The Project blends timeless spiritual principles with practical approaches. Central to this initiative is a...

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Integral Yoga Etsy Shop + Raffle!

Integral Yoga Etsy Shop + Raffle!

From inspiring art to spiritual gifts, the Integral Yoga Etsy Shop features unique items that embody the inspiration and joy of Yoga. To celebrate our 2025 launch, we’re offering the first 25 customers who make a purchase by January 11th automatic entry into a raffle...

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