Obstacles Draw Out Your Inner Capabilities

Obstacles along the spiritual path are necessary to test your strength. If everything is easy, we would probably lose interest in doing anything. Something that is worthwhile and beautiful should not be attained too easily. The more you work for something, the more...

Recognizing Oneness

To maintain our peace of mind we must raise ourselves above the duality to experience the nonduality. But what does that mean? It doesn’t mean we need to leave our homes and go somewhere else. And we don’t need to just sit and be quiet doing nothing. If that were the...

Recognize the God in You

What we call “God,” is the Cosmic Consciousness. It is our natural state of peace and joy. That Cosmic Consciousness is infinite. It has no limitation, it never changes, it is omnipresent and eternal. That’s what is meant by immortal. It is in you, as the real you. So...

Maintaining the Zero Point

Equanimity is Yoga. To know yourself, to see yourself and others clearly, you should have neutrality—complete neutral vision. The scriptures ask us to know ourselves. Check yourself or weigh yourself. The first thing many do in the morning is to step on the scale,...

Embracing Our Higher Purpose

When Spring arrives, along with longer, warmer days and the flowering of plant life, it holds for us the potential for personal growth and awakening creative energies. In some traditions, this season is one of self-reflection, making sacrifices for a higher purpose...