​Compassionate Communication

​Compassionate Communication

If we pay attention to the world news, I think we can agree that our world is in dire need of more mindfulness, justice, and compassion. ​On an individual level, a deeply- entrenched sense of separation—​and the resulting insecurity—has given rise to so much mistrust...

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Fruit Ripens When Ready

Fruit Ripens When Ready

Sometimes one person is ready and the other is not. If you want to give to another, but do not yet feel ready, then don’t worry about it. If you are not ready, don’t give. Even a tree doesn’t want to give all the fruits until they are ripe. When the fruits are ready,...

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The Yoga of Relationships

The Yoga of Relationships

During these challenging times, the stresses and strains on our relationships can take a toll. What does Yoga have to say about this? Swami Asokananda and Rev. Prem discuss relationships (with oneself & others), communication, and how to respond vs. react....

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Patanjali’s Words: The Four Keys

Patanjali’s Words: The Four Keys

Rev. Jaganath, Integral Yoga Minister and Raja Yoga master teacher, has spent a lifetime delving into the deepest layers of meaning in Patanjali’s words within the Yoga Sutras. Our series continues with the 33rd sutra of Chapter 1. This is a key sutra taught by Swami...

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The Yoga of Relationships

The Yoga of Relationships

Applying the teachings of Yoga to our relationships can be a potent way to learn and grow on the spiritual path. Yoga teaches us that there is a natural, unchanging peace within us all. When we experience that internal source of deep contentment, we also feel our...

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Spiritual Partnership

Spiritual Partnership

God never does something without some good reason behind it.  Why is it that God has given us two eyes when we can look at only one thing at a time? Have you ever tried to look in two directions at the same time, with both eyes? Try it. If the left eye wants to see...

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