Kirtan/musical artists and Integral Yogis Sam Rossitto and Meera Kerr each created a musical track of the sacred mantra for meditation given by Sri Swami Satchidananda. In his honor, we are sharing a mash-up of their songs, done with their blessings. Enjoy this new...
Bhaktifest Online This Weekend!
No need to miss Bhaktifest! This weekend (August 8th and 9th, 2020) will be the first-ever virtual Bhakti Fest Reunion! Bhakti Fest celebrates the devotional paths of Yoga, kirtan (sacred music), and meditation. Participate in classes taught by world-renowned teachers...
Kirtan with Astrud!
Enjoy this wonderful kirtan with Astrud Castillo and hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco. Sure to lift your spirits! A devoted Bhakti Yogi and kirtan artist, Astrud came to Yoga seeking peace of mind. She was most inspired by and drawn to the...
Prayers for Our World: Chant for Healing and Protection
In this video, Swami Satchidananda and students chant the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra 27 times for healing and protection. This mantra enhances health and well-being on all levels. It can be used for personal healing and protection, and is the perfect mantra to repeat to...
Integral Yoga Podcast with Krishna Das
Krishna Das, the Grammy-nominated sacred music composer conducts a workshop in Yogaville annually. During his 2019 program, he sat down with Avi Gordon (Integral Yoga Teachers Association director) for a podcast. Having traveled extensively in India, where he met his...
Krishna Das Kirtan, Yoga of Devotion Weekend & Webinar
Memorial Day Weekend 2019, Krishna Das graced us during what has become an annual event in Yogaville. Once a year, Krishna Das comes to Yogaville on Memorial Day weekend to share the practice of Bhakti Yoga. In addition to satsang on Saturday evening, he conducts a...
Listening to the Sound Within
Nada Yoga is the Yoga of sound and it includes practices using sound formulas and mantras. Mantra repetition itself is a Nada Yoga practice. Through repeating the mantra, you gradually develop that sound vibration within. After practicing for a long time, you will be...
World Peace Affirmations and Prayers
In 1969, while the Vietnam war was still underway, the youth that were coming to hear Swami Satchidananda's weekly talks at the Universalist Church in New York, were desperate for the war to end and for peace to prevail. Instead of "fighting" for peace, Sri Swamiji...
Questions & Answers with Swami Satchidananda: Kirtan and Bhakti Yoga
Question: Can you please talk a little bit about chanting, the path of Bhakti Yoga, and developing oneness with God. Swami Satchidananda: Bhakti means heart. That’s what God wants. Being in the head alone is egoistic; the head is a hard nut to crack. Chanting...
Music as a Tool for Listening & Spiritual Evolution
Exclusive Artist Spotlight: World devotional diva Donna De Lory talks about her evolution as a singer and seeker, music as a tool to get present, and creating positive music for kids. If you’ve ever danced your way through a Yoga music festival or practiced your poses...
Shabad Yoga: The Sounds of Wisdom
Snatam Kaur (whose name means, “universal, nucleus and friend to all”) was introduced to music and spiritual practice at an early age through the 3HO lifestyle (Healthy, Happy Holy Organization) founded by Yogi Bhajan, and she was schooled in Sikh traditional kirtan...
Divine Music: The Spiritual Journey of Alice Coltrane
Alice Coltrane (Swamini Turiyasangitananda) is the widow of jazz legend John Coltrane. After her husband’s passing she continued their shared exploration of Eastern music and spirituality. In 1970 she recorded Journey in Satchidananda and explained: “Direct...
Sankirtan Yoga
Sankirtan is the Svarupa (essential nature) of God. Dhvani is sankirtan. Sankirtan is the essence of the Vedas. The four Vedas originate from sound. There are four kinds of sound, viz., vaikhari (vocal), madhyama (from the throat), pasyanti (from the heart) and Para...
Nada Yoga
Yogi Hari is a master of Hatha, Raja and Nada Yoga. He is well known and respected around the world as an exceptional and inspiring teacher. Yogi Hari comes from the Sivananda lineage. When he met his gurus, Swami Vishnu-Devananda and music master Swami...
Chanting from the Soul: An Interview with Krishna Das, Part 1
Profiled by Time magazine and nominated for a Grammy, Krishna Das is regarded as America’s leading “chantmaster.” Each year Krishna Das gives a workshop in Yogaville and he graciously agreed to be interviewed. Krishna Das talks about his Guru, his path, and falling in...
Music and Spirituality: A Real Connection
In this interview, Rivers Cuomo, the popular frontman for the wildly successful band Weezer, talks about growing up and going to school at Yogaville East, discovering that there can be creativity without angst, and shares the meditation technique that has enriched his...