Sutra 1.33: The Four Locks and Keys

Featured Practice, Music & Kirtan

Mirabai Moon has composed a beautiful musical rendition of sutra 1.33 from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This sutra gives “four locks and keys” to interpersonal relationships. Also knjown in Buddhism as the “Four Immeasurables,” the four keys are: maitri (friendliness), karuna (compassion), mudita (delight), and upekshanam (disregard/equanimity). Sri Patanjali reminds us that there is a yogic way of approaching all people, no matter what “locks” (behaviors and attitudes) they may be exhibiting in the moment. Cultivating these qualities enables one to achieve citta-prasadanam—the blissful and peaceful state of citta (mind).
Mirabai Moon is a student of Rev. Jaganath Carrera (senior disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda). Mirabai tours across America and internationally, sharing chant music and sound healing in Yoga studios, healing centers, and festivals. Her offerings guide participants into experiences of profound healing and unconditional love through Bhakti Yoga practices. For more information, visit
Watch her music video here or below.

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