Krishna Das Kirtan, Yoga of Devotion Weekend & Webinar

Bhakti Yoga, Featured Practice, Music & Kirtan

Memorial Day Weekend 2019, Krishna Das  graced us during what has become an annual event in Yogaville. Once a year, Krishna Das comes to Yogaville on Memorial Day weekend to share the practice of Bhakti Yoga. In addition to satsang on Saturday evening, he conducts a “Yoga of Devotion” retreat during the long weekend. This year, he agreed to film a webinar at the Integral Yoga Teachers Association studio in Yogaville.  IYTA members have received a link to join the webinar LIVE on Sunday, May 26th at 2:00 PM, EST. The webinar is now available on Yogaville’s Livestream. The Saturday evening program is available in Yogaville’s Livestream archive here.

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The great Indian sage and proponent of Advaita Vedanta, Adi Shankara, realized his true nature and wrote the “Nirvana Shatakam,” with six Sanskrit verses that describe his experience. Gaiea, a Western yogini, Sanskrit scholar and teacher both sings and composed music...

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