People sometimes ask me, “What has been accomplished by my practice of Yoga all these years? I haven’t realized God. I haven’t had any noticeable spiritual experience.” I don’t know what experience they want. They haven’t levitated up from the floor at least a few...
Thanks, Little Buddy: How My Dog Taught Me Yoga
My dog Ranger’s rear leg kicked then he exhaled his final breath. I smoothed his tan and black muzzle for the last time. Bone cancer had arrived with terrifying swiftness. A sudden lameness had revealed the insidious way the cancer had secretly been eating his bones....
Grateful in the Midst of It All
Kristi Nelson, Ambassador for Grateful Living and the author of Wake Up Grateful: The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted is clear about this: waking up grateful can admittedly be hard, and remaining grateful even harder. In this article, she...
Near Enemies of the Truth: Pitfalls on the Path
Have you ever been told, “You create your own reality?” Have you been encouraged to “follow your bliss?” Nowadays these slogans are everywhere, but what if they’re doing more harm than good? In his latest book, Near Enemies of the Truth: Avoid the Pitfalls of the...
Yoga and Van Life
Summer holidays and vacation time for many means getting on the road to visit family and friends, explore new places, and for Suzanne Borovcova and her photographer boyfriend Pierre Guilbaud it often means just living everyday life! Their van and life on the road...
Awakening to the Deeper Teachings of Yoga
The Chinese sage, Chuang-Tzu, once had a dream in which he was a butterfly. When he woke up, he didn’t know for sure if before, he had been a man dreaming he was a butterfly, or if now, he was a butterfly dreaming he was a man. Likewise, we are all caught in a dream...
Complaint-Free Living
Negativity is insidious. I had been slipping imperceptibly into a ruder kind of communication. I grew tense and snapped at loved ones. I caught myself up in the world’s failings, my own shortcomings and powerlessness to change anything, and the small, daily annoyances...
The Connection Between Yoga and the Transitional Changes Between Seasons
Yoga blesses you with a more intimate understanding of your body and how it works in conjunction with your mind to create this experience called life. However, life is much more than your individual experience. Through practice, you can remind yourself of your...
Learning How or Whether to Share About My Yoga Practice
My discovery of Yoga and meditation when I was 18 and a college freshman began to change me from an angry and troubled teenager who hated Phys Ed. to a balanced adult comfortable in my body. It took years, of course, for the practices to take hold. But I stayed with...
Living Yoga Training Program Re-Opens in Yogaville
After a several year pause during the pandemic, the Living Yoga Training (LYT) program was just re-launched in February 2023. The next dates open to join the LYT program are from March 13 – April 9, 2023. The LYT program helps you establish or deepen your practice in...
Walking with the Courage of a Yogi
My dog Zoë raced out of the dark woods. Her body split the night like an arrow until she rammed into a maple tree. She fell silent. Then her cries began. I ran to her crumpled body, her eyes were open yet vacant. She wailed as if her soul had been flung away, leaving...
Living On Purpose
As we enter a new year, we can make good use of this landmark in time to reflect on the way we make decisions and choices in our lives. Is there an overarching purpose behind the way we use our time and energy, or are we “going with the flow?” Are we acting on the...
Appreciation: In a Spiritual Sense
Appreciation, in a spiritual sense, is often talked about as a practice of cultivating happiness and joy in the good qualities of something, or of someone, or of taking joy in the happiness of others, of cherishing the wholesome. Appreciation is a lovely quality on...
The Joy of Authenticity
In this Integral Yoga podcast, Avi Gordon (director of the Integral Yoga Teachers Association) and Lucy Luckshmi Cannon discuss the balance between service and self-care, overcoming the need for approval, rigidity and growing in authenticity. Following her school...
Lessons from the Leaves: the Power of Letting Go
I crunched through the leaves toward the trailhead. A chill wind chased the clouds from the turquoise face of the sky. I paused under the maple tree to chant Om before my morning walk. In the branches overhead, yellow leaves fluttered like prayer flags. One released...
FILM: “Gratitude Revealed”
From the producer of “Fantastic Fungi,” comes this new documentary, “Gratitude Revealed.” The film takes us on a transformational experience of how to live a more meaningful life full of Gratitude. Through intimate conversations with everyday people and thought...