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Balancing Humility and Self-Worth

In this episode of the Integral Yoga Podcast, Līlā Śakti Mayī and host Avi Gordon (director, Integral Yoga Teachers Association) dive into the profound connection between humility, self-care, and the power of Sanskrit. The discussion focuses on how language can embody...

Ishvara Pranidhana: The Psychology of Surrender

On the journey of self-growth, one of the central concepts in yogic philosophy is Ishvara Pranidhana, or the act of surrendering to a Higher Power. Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, describes it as a foundational practice that leads us toward liberation and inner peace....

The Antidote to Fear

The only way to deal with fear is to face it. The more you try to run, the more it will haunt you. Face it and ask yourself questions: “Who are you? Where are you coming from?  Why are you coming to me? What am I afraid of?” When you ask these questions, you will find...

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In the World, but Not of the World

In the World, but Not of the World

You can be in the world but do not be of the world. Then, you are free. The mind has to be in the world and that is why we try to have a detached outlook. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve. And, many people misunderstand the idea of detachment. They might...

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Self-nurturing or Renunciation?

Self-nurturing or Renunciation?

Question: Because I had a difficult childhood, my therapist tells me I have to nurture myself to become whole and balanced. You teach that renunciation is the key to peace. Is there a conflict between self-nurturing and renunciation? Is there a way to reconcile these...

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How to Know the Truth

How to Know the Truth

We all talk about realizing “the Truth.” If you want to realize the Truth, you should know what the Truth is. Otherwise, you might have it right here and not even recognize it. Whatever it is that you want to experience, you should have an idea in your mind what to...

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The 12-Step Yogi

The 12-Step Yogi

Yoga, combined with 12-Step principles, enhances the recovery process, as both systems complement one another. The additional benefits of a Yoga practice include philosophical and physical components to help guide the practitioner to lifestyle changes that ultimately...

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