“The Centered Heart” – Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science

In The Centered Heart, Susi Amendola, C-IAYT, 500-ERYT, Yoga therapist, stress management expert and senior trainer for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, navigates the intricate relationship between stress management and overall health. She invites readers into...

Using the Yoga Sutras in Daily Life

We all get those physical signs of stress and anxiety. We might feel tired or have random aches and pains and can’t pinpoint the source. We stretch, we breathe, and we feel rejuvenated right afterwards. But after a few days the same aches and pains are back, and...

Challenge, Purification and Heroism

Sri Swami Sivananda (the Guru of Integral Yoga founder Sri Swami Satchidananda) said that our suffering brings out the essence in us, just as an herb releases its fragrance when crushed. Gold is exposed only by removing a mountain of soil. Diamonds are formed through...