Japa Yoga Sadhana

Japa Yoga Sadhana

INTRODUCTION Sadhana is purifying and steadying the mind and fixing it on the Lord. Without Sadhana you cannot attain the Sadhya or the object of meditation i.e., the Supreme Being, the abode of Immortality and Bliss. Japa is an important Sadhana. Make a resolve "I...

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What is Japa Yoga?

What is Japa Yoga?

 WHAT IS JAPA ? Repetition of any Mantra or Name of the Lord is known as Japa. Japa is an important Anga of Yoga. It is a spiritual food for the hungry soul. Japa is the rod in the hand of the blind Sadhakas (aspirants) to plod on the road to Realization. Japa is the...

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Hatha Yoga and Asanas

Hatha Yoga and Asanas

Hatha Yoga relates to the restraint of breath (pranayama), asanas, bandhas and mudras. “Ha” and “tha” mean the union of the sun and the moon, union of prana and apana vayus. “Hatha” means any tenacious practice till the object or end is achieved. Hatha Yoga is...

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The Art of Relaxation

The Art of Relaxation

Life has become very complex these days. The struggle for existence is very acute and keen. A great deal of constant mental and physical strain is imposed on humanity by its daily work and unhealthy mode of life. Action produces movements and these in turn cause...

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Swami Sivananda’s “Science of Pranayama”

Swami Sivananda’s “Science of Pranayama”

Written in 1935, Sri Swami Sivananda’s book, classic book, The Science of Pranayama, is available for free download as a PDF and it is also available in hard copy from Integral Yoga Distribution or from the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh  who generously has made the...

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The Realization of Oneness

The Realization of Oneness

Behind the names and forms, there is the universal life or immanent God. Try to feel the reality underneath the forms. Scorn not the tiny creatures or the undeveloped beings. The same life that throbs or pulsates in you is throbbing in all creatures. Realize your...

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Principles of Karma Yoga

Principles of Karma Yoga

"Karma Yoga is the selfless devotion of all inner as well as the outer activities as a Sacrifice to the Lord of all works, offered to the eternal as Master of all the soul’s energies and austerities." —Bhagavad Gita Right Attitude It’s not what you do that counts,...

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Karma Yoga: The Greatest Yoga

Karma Yoga: The Greatest Yoga

There is no greater Yoga than Karma Yoga. From morning to evening you are doing some action, so everything can be Karma Yoga. Everything should be yogic, from the minute you start brushing your teeth to the minute you go to bed. For Karma Yoga there is no time limit,...

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Jnana Yoga: Science of Self

Jnana Yoga: Science of Self

The identity of the Supreme Self and the jiva or reflected self is established through the statement of the Upanishad “Tat Tvam Asi”—“That Thou Art.” Self-realization or direct intuitive perception of the Supreme Self is necessary for attaining freedom and perfection....

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Become Fit to Experience Jnana Yoga

Become Fit to Experience Jnana Yoga

Gurudev Sivanandaji used to tease the so-called Vedantins and Jnana Yogis at the ashram. They would say, “Aham Brahmasmi, I am that Supreme Brahman.” Occasionally, Gurudev would touch a jnani’s arm with a little piece of stinging nettle. That person would jump up,...

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The Practice of Asanas

The Practice of Asanas

Both a renowned Sanskrit scholar and yogi, Swami Venkatesananda—like his master, Swami Sivananda—can be regarded as a sage of practical wisdom. Below is a transcript of one of his talks presented at Yasodhara Ashram (British Columbia) in the 1970s. Perhaps you will be...

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Prescription for Health

Prescription for Health

Most of the diseases take their origin in over-eating, sexual excess and outbursts of anger and hatred. If the mind is kept cool and calm at all times, you will have wonderful health, strength and vitality. Energy is depleted by fits of anger. The cells and tissues...

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This is Bhakti

This is Bhakti

The great sage of the Himalayas and founder of the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, Sri Swami Sivananda, gives a beautiful overview of all aspects of Bhakti Yoga. The term Bhakti comes from the root Bhaj, which means “to be attached to God.” Bhajan, worship, Bhakti,...

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