The Health Benefits of Yoga with the Yoga MD

In this inspiring and informative video, Integral Yoga’s renowned Yoga MD, Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan, gives an overview of the health benefits of Yoga. She goes through each of the body’s physiological systems to highlight these benefits. Citing the...

A Yoga Doctor Looks Back

Several years ago, Sandra Amrita McLanahan, MD (founder of Integral Health Services and pioneer of Yoga therapy) was asked the question: “What did you learn from Swami Satchidananda?” Her reply became this article… It’s very difficult to summarize almost 50 years of...

Enlightened Health in the Time of COVID-19

“The enlightened person does whatever is appropriate,” explains Dr. Amrita, in the latest Integral Yoga Podcast. Avi Gordon (Integral Yoga Teachers Association director) discusses enlightened action and a number of wellness topics with Dr. Amrita— founder...

How Yoga Helps

When Prevention magazine published two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut, the waiting list at IHS grew into a 2-year wait! Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the...

The Clinic Where Love and Medicine Go Hand in Hand

In November 1977, Prevention magazine published the first of two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut. Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the world), it was based on...