What We Can Learn from a Flower

What We Can Learn from a Flower

We can find lessons in everything we do. One of the lessons that I learned as a mechanic, many years ago, is very useful in being able to control the mind. The newer vehicles probably don’t require this anymore, but way back then, a car had to be periodically...

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Understanding Yourself and God

Understanding Yourself and God

The real goal of Yoga is to understand oneself by making the mind clean and calm. Yoga is not just a set of physical postures, meditation, and breathing techniques. Yoga helps us to develop mental purity and serenity, which are both necessary to understand oneself....

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Beyond the Breath

Beyond the Breath

Pranayama, often described as yogic breathing, is one of the most powerful, yet subtle practices in Yoga. Certainly, we use yogic breathing techniques to practice pranayama—but if we mistake these techniques for the intent, we cut ourselves off from the full scope of...

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Yoga for Wellness

Yoga for Wellness

There is a beautiful biblical saying: “Seek the kingdom of God first and all the rest will be added unto you.” Whether you want it or not, it will come. Health, wealth, friends, money and fame will just come to you. They are the by-products of the most important...

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Living a Healthy Life

Living a Healthy Life

Once, I was driving from one town to another in the region of Shillong, which is in the northeastern part of India. At that time, Shillong had recently won its independence. The politicians told the people that everyone was now free. Some of the country people felt...

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Yogic Deep Breathing

Yogic Deep Breathing

Many health care providers have addressed the importance of keeping the lungs healthy, especially during the pandemic. The classical practice of deergha swasam (deep, 3 part-breathing) is an ideal practice for its health—body/mind—and spiritual benefits. This...

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