The Mystic OM

The Mystic OM

In this article, Integral Yoga master teacher Rev. Jaganath Carrera discusses sutras 1.27 through 1.29 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In these sutras, Sri Patanjali introduces us to the OM mantra and the practice of mantra japa, which he explains is a most effective...

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The Wisdom of Patanjali and J. Krishnamurti

By Ravi Ravindra, PhD Over a period of 20 years, Dr. Ravindra engaged in conversations with the famed philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti. He kept notes of these conversations and later wrote several books about Krishnamurti. As he pondered Patanjali’s teachings, Dr....

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The Best Method of Meditation?

The Best Method of Meditation?

Students often ask me if there is one method of meditation that is the best. There is no one particular way of meditation. Meditation is the same process for all of us, no matter what technique we use. It is only the object or idea for meditation which may vary...

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Sanskrit and the Yoga Sutras

Sanskrit and the Yoga Sutras

The "certainty of freedom" is a striking concept. Although the concept of spiritual freedom expressed through a word such as "liberation" exists in the English language, the actual meaning as we hear it is quite abstract, somehow foreign to the reality of our day to...

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Sanskrit, Sattva and Purusha

Sanskrit, Sattva and Purusha

From Patanjali's perspective in his Yoga Sutras, there is ultimately one problem in life; not perceiving the difference between the transparent, luminous and reflective quality (guna) of the mind with its perceptual field known as sattva, and my true nature as "I"...

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Torah and the Yoga Sutras

Torah and the Yoga Sutras

  In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says: “Tapah Svadhyayesvara Pranidhanani Kriyah Yogah.” Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidananda translates this as: “Accepting pain as help for purification, study of spiritual books, and surrender to the Supreme Being constitute Yoga in...

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The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide

The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide

Nischala Devi’s teachings reflect a heart-centered perspective on spirituality and scripture. Her message that we are born divine is never more evident than in her book, The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras. In this...

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Integral Yoga, Raja Yoga & the Yoga Sutras

Integral Yoga, Raja Yoga & the Yoga Sutras

When the word Yoga is mentioned, most people immediately think of some physical postures for relaxing and limbering up the body. This is one aspect of the Yogic science, but actually only a very small part and relatively recent in development. The physical Yoga, or...

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A Practical Guide for Life

A Practical Guide for Life

The teachings of Raja Yoga are a golden key to unlock all health, happiness, peace, and joy. Everyone, everything, in the creation wants to be happy. If you put a plant in the shade, its leaves will turn toward the sun, because the plant wants to be happy. Place a...

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