Sustaining a Spiritual Vision

For most of us, this effort requires patience, persistence, and some means to renew this commitment. The obstacles are many: the countless stressors of daily life, the subconscious beliefs and habitual thinking that compel us to defend the ego-identity we’ve formed,...

The Psychology of the Yoga Sutras

The late Michael Stone understood that we all crave to forget about ourselves and to connect with something larger than the way we represent ourselves, yet, we constantly put obstacles in our own way. That’s why we need Yoga, and it’s also why we need to approach Yoga...

Right Relationship with Our Bodies

In this episode of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast, our two yogis continue their discussion of aparigraha, the fifth and final yama, with an examination of two of its very subtle aspects: the teaching of not receiving gifts, and of one’s relationship to...

Navigating Difficult Situations Utilizing Satya (Truthfulness)

In an earlier episode of their podcast, the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” did a deep dive into satya, truthfulness. Now, they apply this principle to difficult situations. After sharing a bit of philosophy, they ask the question: “What does this really look like...