OM: The Universal Vibration of Spiritual Harmony

OM is a letter and a word. It is also a sound or resonance. There are three sounds in OM, known as “matra” (vowel diacritics): ‘a,’ ‘u,’ and ‘m.’ When ‘a’ and ‘u’ merge, they form ‘o,’ and when ‘m’ is placed alongside ‘o,’ it forms OM. Thus, all sounds of all...

The Sound of Yoga

High summer rang loud on garlic harvest day. I stuck my pitchfork into the soil as sun spilled down the hill and into the veggie garden. Goldfinches twittered as they climbed the swaying sunflowers. Warm and sweet air rose from the earth. Leaving the pitchfork speared...

The Science of Sound

In any Sanskrit mantra, one of the letters will be a sound that is considered a “seed” sound or a bija. The various bijas each have a different effect on our bodies and minds, and even on plant life. Mantra Shastra, is the science of sound. In Yoga, we have the...

The Real Enjoyment

Spirituality means feeling the Spirit, knowing the real you. If you want to feel the Spirit, you have to put your focus there, more than on the body and senses. The foods we eat won’t help us to experience our essential nature. Thinking often about what to eat, where...

How Mantras Work

In 1976, Swami Satchidananda was giving this talk (below) on Yoga in Denver, Colorado. Yoga was something that wasn’t widely practiced, or understood, in its broader and deepest sense at that time—and in large part, still isn’t today. And, the use of...