Kirtan with Astrud!

Kirtan with Astrud!

Enjoy this wonderful kirtan with Astrud Castillo and hosted by the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco. Sure to lift your spirits! A devoted Bhakti Yogi and kirtan artist, Astrud came to Yoga seeking peace of mind. She was most inspired by and drawn to the...

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World Peace Affirmations and Prayers

World Peace Affirmations and Prayers

In 1969, while the Vietnam war was still underway, the youth that were coming to hear Swami Satchidananda's weekly talks at the Universalist Church in New York, were desperate for the war to end and for peace to prevail. Instead of "fighting" for peace, Sri Swamiji...

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CD/Download: Sacred Invocation of the Goddess

CD/Download: Sacred Invocation of the Goddess

This newly released CD, part of the "Sacred Mantra" series was recently released. The invocation is a hymn of praise to Goddess Durga and is the first part of the Devi Stuti—a collection of sacred Sanskrit mantras and stotras in the Devi Mahatmyam (Glory of the...

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Nada Yoga

Nada Yoga

Yogi Hari is a master of Hatha, Raja and Nada Yoga. He is well known and respected around the world as an exceptional and inspiring teacher. Yogi Hari comes from the Sivananda lineage. When he met his gurus, Swami Vishnu-Devananda and music master Swami...

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Sankirtan Yoga

Sankirtan Yoga

Sankirtan is the Svarupa (essential nature) of God. Dhvani is sankirtan. Sankirtan is the essence of the Vedas. The four Vedas originate from sound. There are four kinds of sound, viz., vaikhari (vocal), madhyama (from the throat), pasyanti (from the heart) and Para...

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