The Impulse to Love and Serve

As we celebrate Black History Month in the U.S., and reflect on the actual meaning of Valentine’s Day, let us be inspired to answer the call to serve those in need. Saint Valentine’s life is just one enduring example of selfless service. Roses and chocolates aside,...

If the World is an Illusion, What Am I Doing Here?

We live in challenging times and don’t need more confusion in our lives by misunderstanding spiritual precepts and teachings. While it is true that in the time of Sri Patanjali (whose systematization of Yoga provides Yoga with its classical text, The Yoga Sutras...

My Journey with Dr. King and the Spirit of Ahimsa

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, had he lived, would have turned 91 this year. He did not call himself a yogi but he lived his life and led the civil rights movement with a deep dedication to the spirit of ahimsa, or nonviolence. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the son of...