Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 6: The Cosmic Dancer

When asked to reflect upon his life, Swami Satchidananda once said, “It’s hard to summarize a long life in a few words. But I can just say I am fortunate, in a way, to be born in a family of pious parents. They were my first Gurus. They instilled faith in God in...

The Ego is Like a Powerful Elephant

A dialogue between Sri Ramana Maharshi and a disciple, as recounted in Maharshi’s Gospel: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, 1939. Devotee: How is the Guru found? Maharshi: God, who is immanent manifests, through Grace, according to the devotee’s development....

The Path to Spiritual Awakening

The Cosmic Guru is the only Guru. All the rest is just comic. The real Guru is everywhere. Within, without. The Guru is above all the qualities, at the same time you see every kind of quality there. Sometimes the Guru is all sattvic, sometimes very rajasic, sometimes...

A Journey with Sri Gurudev: Remembering Parameshwari Dinsmoor

Integral Yoga’s beloved Parameshwari Mary Dinsmoor, an early disciple of Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev), passed away on May 29, 2024, from cancer. Born on Oct. 6,1940, she was a true embodiment of love and selfless service and leaves behind a legacy of...

The Light that Shines Through the Ages

We all need teachers in life; not everything can be learned from a book. According to Hindu tradition, there are four main teachers: Mata, Pita, Guru, Deva: Mother, Father, Guru and God. The mother is the baby’s first guru; she is everything to the baby: unconditional...