(Join the Integral Yoga sangha for the 20th Anniversary Mahasamadhi Memorial of Sri Swami Satchidananda in person and livestreamed from Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville on Saturday, August 20th, beginning at 9:30am EDT, with programs throughout the day. The evening...
A Brief History of Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita is a compilation of verses dedicated to the veneration of the Guru—both one’s embodied Guru, as well as the Guru-tattva or Guru Principle. Many devotees repeat the entire Gita daily, though some repeat it yearly during the annual Guru Poornima (July full...
The Silent Teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda
Let us try to understand that large-hearted person who as it were, at one stroke showered unutterable good fortune on all the seekers. Gurudev [Sri Swami Sivanandaji] was a person on whom honor, homage, tribute, high praise, veneration, respect, etc., were no burden....
Sri Swami Sivananda: A Spiritual Giant
Sri Swami Sivanandaji was a great spiritual giant. India had four great spiritual giants at one time. These saints represent the four different Yogas. Papa Ramdas of South India represented the path of Bhakti Yoga. He was a great devotee of Lord Rama. Papa Ramdas...
Booklet: “Hymn of the 108 Holy Names”
Reciting praises of 108 or even 1000 Holy Names dedicated to God or great sages is a time-honored tradition. Each and every manifestation of Brahman is thus given a series of Holy Names. This garland of 108 Holy Names, compiled and translated by Swami Yogananda...
“Sri Guru Gita” Digital Download Now Available!
Sri Guru Gita is a Sanskrit hymn, that illuminates the mystical relationship between a Satguru and a disciple. This divine dialogue takes place between Lord Shiva (the primordial Guru) and Goddess Parvati (his consort and Shakti, creative power) on Mount Kailash....
“Sri Guru Gita” : A Musical Experience
In this music video, Sanjay Mahajan (accompanied by Rupali and Saveri) chant selected verses with a backdrop of footage filmed in India and Satchidananda Ashram, along with photos of Satgurus, sages and saints of India. This video is part of the CD/DVD set "Sri Guru...
“Sri Guru Gita:” Song of Love
This 8th century CE text describes a conversation between the Lord Siva and his wife, the Goddess Parvati, in which she asks him to teach her about the Guru and liberation. Siva answers her by describing the Guru principle, the proper ways of paying homage to the...