“The Centered Heart” – Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science

In The Centered Heart, Susi Amendola, C-IAYT, 500-ERYT, Yoga therapist, stress management expert and senior trainer for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, navigates the intricate relationship between stress management and overall health. She invites readers into...

Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey, Part 5: Guided by the Thirukkural

As a young boy, Ramu (Swami Satchidananda’s birthname was Ramaswamy, Ramu for short) was deeply immersed in Tamil culture and spirituality. One of the most significant influences in his life was the Thirukkural, a revered Tamil text written by the celebrated poet and...

Yoga as “Lifestyle Medicine”

I first came across the teachings of Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev) in a transcript from a talk he gave in which he said, “We have a natural state of ease and when we lose it we get disease.” I was in medical school at the time, and nobody was really addressing the...

The Remarkable Story of Joe

Dr. Mehmet Oz was traveling recently and he recounted the story of a man named Joe who went into cardiac arrest at an airport baggage claim area. Fortunately, Dr. Oz was also in that baggage claim area and he was able to save Joe’s life. After Joe recovered, he...