​Compassionate Communication

​Compassionate Communication

If we pay attention to the world news, I think we can agree that our world is in dire need of more mindfulness, justice, and compassion. ​On an individual level, a deeply- entrenched sense of separation—​and the resulting insecurity—has given rise to so much mistrust...

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Yogic Keys to Success in the Workplace

Yogic Keys to Success in the Workplace

Rev. Shankar Fern believes that the workplace is the schoolhouse for evolving ourselves as spiritual beings. In this article, he highlights some of the key teachings of Swami Satchidananda that he has applied during the past three decades as a successful business...

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The Yoga of Relationships

The Yoga of Relationships

During these challenging times, the stresses and strains on our relationships can take a toll. What does Yoga have to say about this? Swami Asokananda and Rev. Prem discuss relationships (with oneself & others), communication, and how to respond vs. react....

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