Mrs. Rukmini Rasiah: A Tribute

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Photo: Mrs. Rukmini Rasiah with Swami Satchidananda, late 1980s, Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, Virginia.

On August 26, 2023, seven months after her 105th birthday, Mrs. Rukmini Rasiah—affectionately known to all as “Amma” (mother in Tamil)—passed peacefully surrounded by beloved family members. The Ashram offered 108 Tryambakam Mantras on behalf of Amma’s devoted, dedicated, precious, noble soul and for the peace and comfort of the entire Rasiah family during this time of loss of their beloved Matriarch and Mother.

During the many years that Amma’s health was more robust, she lived in Yogaville, where she guided the development of the Fine Arts Society. In more recent years, she spent more time living with her youngest daughter, Padmarani a few hours away. Swami Karunanandaji recalled, “When Amma was last at Yogaville, even as her health was failing and she was barely able to communicate, she would inquire about how the Ashram was doing. She cherished, supported and loved the Ashram. She had hoped to never have to leave it. This is where she wanted to be always.”

On January 22, 2018, Amma became a centenarian and Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville/Integral Yoga International honored her with the special title: “Satchidananda Padma Shiromani” (Supreme Jewel of the Lotus of Satchidananda).

Below is just a short overview of Amma’s life and service to our Gurudev, Sri Swami Satchidananda, Satchidananda Thapovanam (Sri Lanka), Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, and the Fine Arts Society (Sri Lanaka and USA). The entire Integral Yoga organization pays homage to Mrs. Rukmini Rasiah (Amma) with deepest gratitude for her tireless spirit of devotion and dedicated service. May she continue to bless us all.


















Amma first met Swami Satchidananda when he was sent by his Guru, Sri Swami Sivananda, to Sri Lanka in the early 1950s, to serve the Divine Life Society devotees throughout this beautiful island. Every three months the Jaffna Divine Life Society, which Swami Satchidananda had inaugurated, invited him to come for fifteen days and give programs, classes on the Bhagavad Gita and discussions of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Amma was the secretary of the Jaffna DLS at that time and she organized a full schedule for Swamiji. Almost every day he taught a six o’clock morning Hatha Yoga class. After breakfast he traveled to a local school to give satsang to the students. After lunch there was a short time for rest. Then he was off again to another school for the afternoon. Evening brought a regularly scheduled public lecture. Amma and her entire family drew very close to Swami Satchidananda and became ardent devotees.

(photo: Amma Rasiah, pictured just behind Swami Satchidananda,
during a Himalayan pilgrimage, late 1950s)



 (photo: with Swami Satchidananda at a temple in Sri Lanka. Amma Rasiah pictured front left)

Observing Amma’s dynamic enthusiasm for organization, as well as her own musical abilities interest in the fine arts, Swamiji asked if she would help to promote the fine arts in Kandy—where he was establishing an ashram that became known as Satchidananda Thapovanam. Swamiji knew that classical dance and music were important ways of expressing one’s worship and devotion. He once said, “From Vedic times, art in India has been spiritual, developing and flourishing in the precincts of temples, aspiring to reflect the divinity of human beings through their creative faculties; thus, it is regarded as Yoga and as a means of Self-realization.” Toward this end, he integrated these fine art forms into the Thapovanam, and later at his Integral Yoga centers in the West. He wanted Westerners to be exposed to and gain an appreciation for the classical dance form, Bharata Natyam.

In the early 1980s, once he had established Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville Virginia, Swami Satchidananda invited Amma and her family to relocate to America and help establish a Fine Arts Society there. In 1984, the Fine Arts Society of Yogaville was inaugurated. Its aim was to encourage the fine arts of music, dance, and drama among people of all nations with respect for the various traditions and cultures of the world. Its further mission was to affirm the unity of art and spirituality and to promote peace, good will, and harmony through the arts. Through its classes and programs, FAS has achieved its mission and continues its service today.

Amma’s youngest daughter, Padmarani Rasiah-Cantu, an accomplished Bharata Natyam artist, became the artistic director of the FAS. Integral Yoga International sponsored a European and North American dance tour for Padmarani and her brother Dr. Jeyarajan in the early l980s to wide acclaim. For almost 30 years, Padmarani has been honored as a selected artist with the Virginia Commission for the Arts.

(photo: Swami Satchidananda, Padmarani Rasiah-Cantu, and Mrs. Rukmini Rasiah in front of the LOTUS, during the 25th anniversary of the Fine Arts Society of Yogaville)

In 1988, the V.P. Dhananjayans, world-renowned artistes and directors of Bharata Kalanjali in Chennai, were invited to give a lecture demonstration in Bharatha Natyam at the FAS in Yogaville. There was such a tremendous response from those attending, that the Dhananjayans were invited to return that summer to conduct a residential camp in Bharata Natyam for young students who were unable to go to India but wanted to study with the finest Indian dance masters. Originally planned as a one-time program, the FAS was literally flooded with requests for this program, particularly from parents of Indian children being raised in the USA who wanted them to maintain the link with their cultural heritage. Through Amma Rasiah’s efforts, this Natya Adyayana Gurukulam became an annual program for 25 years, and a new performing arts hall was built to house FAS classes and programs.

(photo, back row L-R standing: Amma, Mataji, the Dhananjayans, Padmarani join other Natya Adyayana Gurukulam organizers/staff to pose with Swami Satchidananda)

Kavita, Meera, and Anjana, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Pathmarajah of Lancaster, California attended the Natya Adyayana Gurukulam for many, many years. On reflection they offered that, “The Camp has instilled in us the importance of discipline in controlling our senses and serving the world with love…our teachers have invoked in us a deep devotion, and have impelled us to dedicate our actions and enhance our devotion and dedication through selfless service.” The benefits received by this family, as well as hundreds others, is in large part due to the dedication and devotion of one remarkable woman: Mrs. Rukmini Rasiah.

(photo: Swami Satchidananda blessing Mrs. Rukmini (Amma) Rasiah after a FAS program.)


Tributes have been pouring in honor and remembrance of Amma Rasiah. Just a few samples:

After 105 years of a supremely dedicated life, may Amma Rasiah rest with Peace in the Bliss of Sri Gurudev whom she deeply loved. Mother of eight, Amma served not only her own children, but tended to the many young students who attended Dance Camp at the Ashram’s Fine Arts Society over the years. We will always remember Amma’s beautiful smile, wisdom and kind heart. ~Swami Jyotirmayananda

“Amma was an extraordinary woman. She was, and will always be, an irreplaceable light that shines bright over the Satchidananda Ashram and the devotes of our beloved Gurudev. Her love was given through her actions. My deepest sympathy, and love to all of her family, and to all who knew her. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti” ~Santoshi Sommers
“I think I speak for the whole community when I say what a debt of gratitude we have for dear beloved Amma Rasiah. She was a pillar in our community; a dedicated devotee and a kind and loving mother figure to thousands of children who came to the Fine Arts Camps / School over the many years it was run. Amma Rasiah was a beautiful and stellar example of Yoga, kindness, and devotion. Please send heartfelt prayers for her easeful transition into the Light – and for her beautiful family so that they may be comforted during this challenging time.” ~Rev. Mala Cunningham
“Amma is inseparable from her own devotion to Bhakti Yoga as her contribution to artistic expression. Her dedication and determination to perfect union with Almighty.” ~Easaneehai Pillai Clemmer


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