Changing Lives, Inspiring Hope: A Yogaville Online Event, December 10

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Join Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville for a heart-warming 30-minute fun-draiser film live event. It’s going to be an inspiring experience, with stories of people whose lives changed through Integral Yoga and Yogaville.


This event is a virtual fundraiser to help Yogaville reopen its doors when the time comes. It streams Thursday, December 10th at 9 am ET (6 am PT) and again at 12 noon ET (9 am PT). We invite you to join this inspiring virtual event. Registration in advance is required.

The theme of the fundraiser film is transformation. The film will include an introduction, slideshow, and message from Siva Moore, executive director of the Ashram. The event promises to be informative, interesting, and inspiring. It will be a nice introduction to those new to Yogaville and a chance for sangha to reconnect via live chat.

To ensure that this fundraiser is a success we need your help. Please invite friends, family and sangha to this inspiring virtual film. There will be an opportunity for people to give but there will be no pressure to make a donation. Register here.


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