Again and again, people ask me, “Why is there suffering? How can I avoid suffering?” My answer is, “You cannot.” If anything has to happen, it will happen. Think, All right, let it happen. I am bold. What’s the use of being afraid of it? I’m not going to be able to...
How to Know the Real from the Unreal
Essentially, there is only the One—and it’s real. But, its expressions vary and that’s the unreal part. So, really you are spirit, but when you express yourself in a human body, you become a human being. And when you express yourself in a young human body you become a...
Shanti: The Peace We All Really Want
Shanti. I see God as Shanti. Shanti is the nature of God. My God is Shanti and has no form no other name. God is all peaceful, all serenity—the peace that cannot be expressed by words. Even to say the word “peace,” in a way limits, the expression of that very peace....
Is “Indifference” Yoga?
In Yoga, we often use the term “vairagya.” It is often translated as “dispassion” or “non-attachment.” But, sometimes it is confused with “indifference.” So, what does non-attachment mean? Does it mean you are indifferent, you don’t care about anyone or anything? No....
Is Seeking Enlightenment an Obstacle to It?
Yes. If you want it, you are seeking from outside. When you know you are already enlightened, you won’t seek. So seeking something means you have forgotten yourself. You have to realize yourself, not seek yourself. That is Self-realization. You realize who you are,...
Stop Running After Things and You Will Find Everything
The most cherished treasure in life is peace. You can go anywhere in the world, but you can be always happy only if you can keep your peace. On the other hand, you may have everything in the world, and I mean everything, but if you don’t have peace you have nothing....
Is Yoga Lineage Relevant in the Modern Era?
Although it is well-suited to the present era, Integral Yoga®, as taught by Swami Satchidananda, is part of a lineage with a long history. This lineage contributes to the beauty of the Integral Yoga tradition, in that it is part of a tradition. Today, with the...
The World is Your Projection
The entire world is nothing but your projection. Each person sees the world with his or her own color, and that’s their world. You cannot insist and say that things are this way or that way just because this is the way you see it. The other person will always say,...
Why Do We Forget Who We Really Are?
Recently, someone asked a question: “If peace and unconditional love are our natural state, why is it that we have forgotten? We have forgotten because we’ve been given the free will to forget. You are free to choose either way. Peace is our nature no doubt, but we...
Karma: It Is In Your Hands
Karma, according to the Sanskrit terminology, has two meanings: Any action is called karma and the reaction of the action is also called karma. So a karma will bring a karma—meaning, an action has its own reaction. Cause and effect, action and reaction, they’re...
Facing Death and Loss
When people are facing very serious illness or great loss, they often ask me, “How can I still have faith?” My answer is, “Keep the faith.” All medical treatments work better if you have faith. Does fear ever help you? No. On the other hand the fear makes you feel...
Is Yoga Really Universal?
An ongoing debate concerns the subject of the relationship between Hinduism and Yoga. One side argues that westerners have appropriated Yoga and tried to divorce it from its Hindu roots. The other side argues that Yoga predates Hinduism and cannot be contained under...
The Goal of Yoga
The main goal of Yoga is to clean the mind and calm the mind. “Yogaha Chitta Vritti Nirodaha,” Raja Yoga says. In the very beginning, when Patanjali talks about Yoga—at the very outset—he answers the question, “What is Yoga?” The answer is: Chitta Vritti Nirodaha....
The Highest Form of Yoga
Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, the great sage of Himalayas. We felt so fortunate to be with him, to watch him, to play with him, and to experience what Divine play means. He himself was the book of knowledge. In his own very life, whatever he did, whatever he saw, he...
The Essence of Integral Yoga
Traditionally there are five separate Yogas. Each, like a spoke of a wheel, leads to the hub, to oneness or union with the Divine. Hatha, the way of the body; Raja, the way of the mind; Karma, the way of service; and Bhakti, the way of the heart. “Some people think...
Is Yoga a Religion?
Many people ask this question: “Is Yoga a religion?” My answer would be, “No and yes.” How could it be both no and yes? Yoga is not a religion, so in that sense, the answer is no; but it is a synthesis of all the religions, so in that sense, it is yes. That is why we...