“The Three Swamis” – August 9th Special Online Event

“The Three Swamis” program is an Integral Yoga special event sponsored by the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco. Part of its 50th anniversary special programming, “The Three Swamis” will benefit the fund to replace the roof on the...

Clergy-on-Call During Coronavirus

News Release: April 2020  Now is a time when many people, heeding the call to stay at home, may want the solace of being able to reach out to Integral Yoga swamis and ministers to talk on the phone and through email. Clergy-on-Call is a service recently established to...

BOOK: Yoga and Veganism: The Diet of Enlightenment

In Yoga and Veganism: The Diet of Enlightenment, Sharon Gannon—co-creator of the renowned Jivamukti Yoga method—weaves together a compelling exploration of the intersection between the spiritual practice of Yoga, physical health, care for the planet, and a peaceful...

How to Know the Real from the Unreal

Essentially, there is only the One—and it’s real. But, its expressions vary and that’s the unreal part. So, really you are spirit, but when you express yourself in a human body, you become a human being. And when you express yourself in a young human body you become a...